
April 6, 2015

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F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 » M O R E I N S I D E T H E L I S T / printsub S U B S C R I B E C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 1 8 » P H O T O / R U S S D I L L I N G H A M 20 Marketing two nations The Down East region is teaming up with New Brunswick on a joint tourism marketing campaign. 22 Maine Lottery's new agency Fuseideas, a Boston advertising agency with a Portland office, takes over the state Lottery account. 26 A granola that aims high Lucy Benjamin talks about the origin and growth of Lucy's Granola. 1 1 1 1 3 MACHIAS EASTPORT SAINT JOHN New Balance, Maine officials keep close eye on Pacific Rim trade agreement B y J a m e s M c C a r t h y W hat's at stake for Maine in the Trans-Pacifi c Partnership, the largest proposed free trade agreement in history, involving the United States and 11 countries on the Pacifi c Rim and representing close to 40% of the world's economy? In two words: New Balance. e Boston-based footwear company still doesn't know for sure if the agreement will eliminate footwear tariff s on shoes made in Vietnam, since deal-making has been cloaked in secrecy from the James Mitchell of Mitchell Tardy Government Affairs tops our list of Maine's highest-paid lobbyists. F O C U S M A R K E T I N G & B U S I N E S S D E V E L O P M E N T S E E W H O ' S N E X T O N PA G E 3 0 » b y l o r i v a l i g r a S TA R T I N G O N P A G E 14 » A farmer's work is never done: Mid-winter, Jan Goranson cuts pea shoots in a greenhouse at Goranson Farm in Dresden. Differentiating organic from local or natural foods remains a challenge April 6, 2015 VO L . X X I N O. V I I New Balance, Maine officials keep close eye on Pacific Rim

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