Worcester Business Journal

March 30, 2015

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36 Worcester Business Journal • March 30, 2015 www.wbjournal.com I f Boston hosts the 2024 Summer Olympics, opponents believe public funding may be unavoidable, despite organizers' desire to avoid it. So, what about taxpayer funding from the commonwealth? In our poll for the week of March 16, an overwhelming majority voted no. If Boston were to win the bid for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games and need public money to help pay for them, should the state government be obligated to help? A resounding 'no' on state funds for Boston Olympics Best Advertising Agency Best Web Design Firm Proud Winner of Two 2015 Best of Business Awards COMMENTS: -RLQWKH:%-·V /LQNHG,QGLVFXVVLRQ JURXSE\VFDQQLQJ WKHFRGHWRWKHOHIW RQ\RXUVPDUWSKRQH To scan the code, you need the NeoReader. Visit get.neoreader.com to download it onto your phone. Want to participate in the conversation? T echnology analyst firm IDC of Framingham says smartphones will make up nearly 78 percent of connected devices by 2019 with tablet computers taking up another 11 percent. That would leave personal computers, such as desktops and notebooks holding onto only about 11 percent of the market. Will that impact business? There was a split in last week's poll. How will a predicted switch to mobile technology impact the way you do business? Goin' more mobile? Just a little? F L A S H P O L L T A L K B A C K No 80% "All I can say is 'Remember the Big Dig.' " "There's no economic upside for the state in hosting an Olympics. We should be focusing instead on infrastructure improvements, particularly transportation for financial investment." Yes, but only to a certain cap 16% Not at all 33% "Public funding needs to be (done) through a thoughtful legislative process. There should be no open checkbook." Yes 4% WANTED: ATTACKERS OF HACKERS A link on our LinkedIn page to an article about helping employers close skills gaps drew an observation about the need for people with cybersecurity skills to thwart an increasing number of online hack attacks. "Professionals with these skills are practically non-existent at a time when critical infrastructure is becoming an increasingly common target of cyberattacks. A cybersecurity career is a lucrative opportunity for students and for adults looking to change careers." Marc Blackmer STARTING THE WORKDAY What do you do in the first 10 minutes after you arrive at the office? An article posted on our LinkedIn page provided 10 suggestions, which yielded this endorsement of one: "Do not be glued to checking email - check it when you have time and avoid interruptions when working on a specific task. (Also) turn off tones or flash messages when 'You've got mail'; they are distractions and normally can wait." Sharon Gooch-Zebal Dramatically 24% Some 14% A lot 29%

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