Worcester Business Journal

March 30, 2015

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www.wbjournal.com March 30, 2015 • Worcester Business Journal 27 Productions Revelation Creative & Technical Event Services Revelation Productions o!ers brilliant technical and creative services that are seamlessly orchestrated, resulting in an exceptional event for you and your audience. t"VEJP t7JEFP t-JHIUJOH t&WFOU.BOBHFNFOU t4UBHJOHBOE4DFOJD%FTJHO t5FNQPSBSZ1PXFS%JTUSJCVUJPO 1SFWJFXPVSQPSUGPMJPPGDPSQPSBUF FWFOUTBOEHBMBBõBJSTPOMJOFBU revprod.com www.revprod.com 14569_WBJ_9x6_Ad.indd 1 2/10/15 4:54 PM )HDWXULQJRYHU([KLELWVIURPPDQ\RIWKH UHJLRQ¶VOHDGLQJHQHUJ\VHUYLFHVFRPSDQLHV 2IIHULQJ:RUNVKRSVRIFXWWLQJHGJHVROXWLRQVWR UHGXFHRSHUDWLQJFRVWVLQDEURDGDUUD\RIEXLOGLQJ W\SHVDQGV\VWHPV ADMISSIONRILQFOXGHV(QWU\WRWKHH[KLELWÀRRU PXOWLSOHZRUNVKRSVDOOZLWKTXDOL¿HG&(8FUHGLWVGLQQHU EXIIHWDSSHWL]HUVDQGFDVKEDU REGISTER BY APRIL 3rd FOR EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT )RUDFRPSOHWHOLVWRIZRUNVKRSVDQGWRUHJLVWHUJRWR The Association of Energy Engineers of New England Presents the 5th Annual ENERGY SHOW Wednesday, April 8th 3 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Hotel 550 Winter Street Waltham, MA ([LW%RII5RXWH, )UHH3DUNLQJ Products & Services www.aeenewengland.org/meetinginfo.php We look forward to seeing you at the Show! $WWHQWLRQ(QHUJ\0DQDJHUV %XLOGLQJ2ZQHUV )DFLOLW\0DQDJHUV 5(*,67(572'$< compatible with Union Station but also tied into the development at CitySquare." New buildings are also a visible reminder of Worcester's economic momentum, which is what draws devel- opers such as First Bristol to the area, Murray said. "The city's projected economic growth over the decade ahead will make it one of the commonwealth's most attractive destinations for business, tourism, higher education and residents alike," Murphy said. Interest in the city continues to grow, said Traynor, who said he has been field- ing more calls from developers looking at various projects throughout the city. Worcester recently cleared the way for 84 units of student housing in the Osgood Bradley building behind Union Station, and earlier this month announced an agreement to sell the for- mer courthouse in Lincoln Square for $1.2 million. The intended developer, Brady Sullivan Properties, plans to turn the historic structure into 115 apart- ments and 3,000 square feet of retail space. An increase in downtown housing and hotels, as well as in surrounding areas, will lead to a more spread-out, walkable city center, Traynor said. And the added foot traffic will help busi- nesses such as restaurants and shops grow organically, he noted. "Downtown doesn't just mean Main Street to the DCU Center," Traynor said. "It really becomes very accessible once you see all this development building." Q Hotels fit city's plans >> Continued from Page 9 FRESH BEGINNINGS Q Café Reyes is now open at 421 Shrewsbury St. in Worcester. The café provides a job-training program for men recovering from substance abuse. It's a transitional program for residents of the Hector Reyes House in Worcester, a program of the Latin American Health Alliance. Q A new bridal boutique, Dream, is now open at 730 Boston Post Rd. in Sudbury. The shop, which is by appointment only, is owned by Malinda Macari.

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