QRCA Views

QRCA VIEWS-03.2015

Issue link: https://nebusinessmedia.uberflip.com/i/482881

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Page 36 of 55

Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H C O N S U LTA N T S A S S O C I AT I O N 37 Technology-based Research Methods Whether in the form of groups, depth interviews, or observation, in-person research is still the gold standard in many ways. Its strengths come from the ability to observe and interact with people and groups and gather cultural and social cues, such as voice, intonation, and body lan- guage. However, in-person research chal- lenges the ability to sustain engagement with consumers over time. On-site inter- views and observations often require pull- ing people out of their natural environ- ments, making it more difficult to capture in-the-moment experiences and behaviors. Also, because recruiting and logistics focus on a specific geographical area, in-person research tends to happen near major popu- lation centers, skewing the research sample. Web and mobile based research comes in two forms: synchronous real- time and asynchronous over time. Synchronous real-time online video inter- viewing via webcam or mobile phone is the most common. This format increases geographical reach, decreases travel and logistics, and enhances the ability to work in IDI or groups. Synchronous research preserves the ability to see facial cues and body language. Groups are generally best limited to six to eight participants because of bandwidth required for real-time video and managing the dynamics of the inter- view. Like in-person, it is restricted to specific durations and is not a sustained window of engagement to capture in-the- moment experiences. However, with mobile video streaming, we can use in- home interviews to interact with partici- pants in their natural environments. Bulletin boards, online immersive stud- ies, insight communities, and mobile dia- ries are all asynchronous over time "New technologies do not automatically invalidate old ways of doing things; they just add new tools to help researchers fulfill our mission of understanding people to answer business questions."

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