Hartford Business Journal Special Editions

Best Places to Work 2015 — March 23, 2015

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www.HartfordBusiness.com March 23, 2015 • Hartford Business Journal 27 Meet the Winners Best Places To Work In CT 2015 #7 Bearingstar Insurance B earingstar Insurance is a local agency, and many of its agents have operated in Connecticut for generations. They make coverage recommendations based on deep famil- iarity with the state's communities, weather, roads, and neigh- borhoods. With 11 locations across Connecticut, clients can find a knowledgeable agent ready to work to help get the right coverages at the price clients deserve. Frequent Bonuses: Bearingstar offers incentive programs monthly, quarterly, and annually, in addition to performance bonuses and profit-sharing. Charitable Clothing: The company has an annual Pink Day, a fun- draiser to raise money for breast cancer awareness. Executive Access: Management holds quarterly Town Hall meetings for employees to voice their concerns and suggestions. Employee Health: In addition to fitness reimbursement programs and flu shots, the company nurse offers health seminars. #8 Barnum Financial Group B arnum Financial Group provides a full range of invest- ment and risk management products and services to more than 230,000 clients including individuals and their families, as well as small businesses, corporations, government enti- ties, and not-for-profit organizations, and their employees. With offices in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island, Barnum has a team of resources to help create customized solutions to fit clients' goals and circumstances. Barnum strives to build long-term relation- ships with each client through understanding, quality service, integrity, and financial education. Surprises: Barnum keeps it light by offering random employee benefits like taco and ice cream trucks, happy hour during soccer's World Cup, and pies for Thanksgiving. Stress Relief: Manicures, chair massages, Zumba classes. Supported Charities: KaBOOM! playground program (pictured below), Bikes for Kids. #9 Shawmut Design and Construction S hawmut Design and Construction is a leading construc- tion management firm. It works with the most prominent clients, architects, and designers in the industry and consis- tently delivers on their visions. Unique among construction companies, Shawmut provides the same level of high-value services for projects of all sizes. Each project is meticulously planned to give clients the best experience. The company provides specialized services includ- ing collaborative pre-construction, green building, virtual con- struction, safety practices, and post-construction services. As an employee-owned company, Shawmut has created a culture of ownership and proactive decision-making. Due to their sig- nificant training, employees are given broad autonomy. Tech Savvy: Every employee receives a new iPhone. Retirement Benefits: Workers receive annual contributions of 10 percent of their salary toward retirement with Shawmut matching 4 percent. Summer Fridays: Employees can take off every other Friday in the summer months, along with floating holidays employees can use to maximize their vacations. Large Company Category FEEDBACK IS A GIFT HUMBLED to be named one of the Best Places to Work in Connec cut for the second consecu ve year. PRIVILEGED to work with the people who make it possible. CONGRATULATIONS to all of the 2015 nominees who make our community a be er place to work and live. read the ADNET Story at www.thinkADNET.com

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