Hartford Business Journal

CT Green Guide Spring 2015

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Contents of this Issue


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www.CTGreenGuide.com SprinG 2015 • Connecticut Green Guide 3 FeaTureS 12. Natural Gas Capacity Connecticut's competition in the natural gas supplier market are being eroded by problems in getting enough fuel to the state. 14. Reusing Properties The state's efforts to remake more brownfields into useful properties will pick up further in 2015, with various projects coming to fruition. 25. Jumping on Board Plans to remake the state's bus and rail systems soon will change the way commuters get to work. proFileS 16. Green Warrior: William M. Sisson The director of sustainability for the United Technologies Research Center is working to expand efficiency initiatives to business across the globe. 22. ECOmpany: Legrand North America West Hartford manufacturer ramps up its participation in the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Challenge, including putting its employees through an energy marathon. On the Cover: Jeff Hyungrak Chung, CEO of Doosan Fuel Cell America, stands in front of a fuel cell stack at the company's South Windsor facility. PHOTO | STEvE LASCHEvER SeCTionS 5. From the Editor 7. News Cycle 10. Smart Business 30. Advocate Corner 31. ECOmmunity 32. Opinion 34. A Clean Startup: Engel Power COvER STORy 100-Year Outlook After burning through two owners in two years, South Windsor's fuel cell manufacturing facility has been taken over by a South Korean conglomerate with a long-term vision. PHOTO | STEvE LASCHEvER Pg. 18 Contents

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