16 ConneCTiCuT Green Guide • SprinG 2014 www.CTGreenGuide.com
LoCaTion: Rocky Hill (headquarters) and Stamford
TiTLe : Director of Commercial Property Assessed
Clean energy program
ComPany: Clean energy Finance & investment Authority
info: The 72 municipalities now part of C-PACe
represent 80 percent of the state's commercial market.
Green Warrior: JeSSiCA BAiLey
Deals Done
By Kathryn M. Roy
essica Bailey made it work
20 million times.
When Connecticut
created its C-PACE program in
April, it seemed like a no brain-
er for businesses: commercial
property owners could finance
renewable energy and efficien-
cy programs at no upfront cost
and annual payments are less
than the energy savings.
Yet, Bailey spends much of
her time convincing property
owners what a good deal this is
and courting officials from 169
municipalities to allow C-PACE
in their communities.
By February, C-PACE ap-
proved $20 million in financing
for projects in 72 participating
cities and towns.
"We didn't sit down (at the
beginning) designing the per-
fect process," Bailey said. "We
sat down with building own-
ers to talk about how we could
make this work."
Genevieve Sherman, CEFIA
manager, said Bailey is the rea-
son the program has come so
far so quickly.
"She is a dynamic trailblazer
in the arena of energy finance
and is helping make Connecti-
cut a frontrunner in this area,"
Sherman said.
About 7% of
all electricity
in the u.S.
comes from
sources such
as renewable
energy and
SourCe: CeFia