22 ConneCTiCuT Green Guide • SprinG 2014 www.CTGreenGuide.com
Green Warrior: nAMe HeRe
PHoTo | ????
SubSiDiaRieS: Santa Fuel, Santa
Buckley energy, and inland Fuel
HeaDquaRTeRS: Bridgeport
emPLoyeeS: 200
founDeD: 1940
WebSiTe: www.santaenergy.com
famiLy affaiR: Five members of the
family's third generation run Santa
today. To keep the tradition, Santa
encourages fourth generation family
members to work as interns and
consider a career at the company.
By John a. Lahtinen
anta Fuel saw the writing
on the wall back in 1989.
While most heating oil
distribution companies are now
just morphing into full service
energy providers, the 74-year-
old Bridgeport firm made the
switch 25 years ago, rebranding
as Santa Energy. Today, with
revenues approaching $1 billion,
Santa offers petroleum, natural
gas, propane, electricity, biofu-
els, solar, and technical support
for all of the above.
"We see tremendous growth
opportunities," President & CEO
Tom Santa said. "Every fuel
source has its own unique ad-
vantages and applications."
The driving force for Santa's
future is its CEO, said Peter
Russell, a 20-year veteran of the
company who is now president
of subsidiary Santa Fuel.
"Tom has a great vision of
what the company can be and
he works tirelessly to make that
vision a reality," Russell said.
"Tom sets high expectations, and
he is always here to help support
us in reaching and exceeding
those expectations."
eCompany: SAnTA eneRGy
Green fact:
Santa conserves 7,000 gallons
of heating oil annually by
recycling petroleum waste
materials to supply heat for the
company's garage.
SouRCe: SAnTA eneRGy