34 CoNNECTICUT GREEN GUIDE • WinTer 2014 www.CTGreenGuide.com
Starting Up
Fresh Farm uses fish in tanks to
provide nutrients to grow produce,
and the produce, in exchange,
cleans the water for fish tanks. The
business sells the produce to con-
sumers and plans to sell fish to be
used for food (tilapia) and aquari-
ums (koi). The company $12,000
from Connecticut Innovations.
Save Money
The produce the company sells
is priced similar to the produce at
Whole Foods, as it offers a similar
high-nutrient product.
Save the Environment
Aquaponics uses 90 percent less
water than conventional farming,
can be adapted to all climates, uses
no herbicides or pesticides on the
produce and no antibiotics for the
fish, and can yield up to 10 times the
amount of produce vs. conventional
farming in the same amount of space.
Fresh Farm
FounDErS: Spencer Curry (in
blue), Kieran Foran (in red), matt
Braddon (not pictured)
LauncH: November 2012
HEaDquarTErS: S. Glastonbury
WEb SiTE: freshfarmct.org
a Clean sTarTuP