
March 9, 2015

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Ocean Renewable Power Co. ti·dal en·er·gy (ti-dĕl ĕn-er-je) The rise and fall of the oceans that turns a turbine to generate electricity Maine Mead Works ho·mog·e·nize (he -mŏj'-e - nīz') To reduce the particles of two or more insoluble substances and disperse throughout a uid Pantheon Guitars tor·re·fy (tor'- e - f i') To dry wood by subjection to intense heat to drive o all moisture or impurities Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory re·gen·er·a·tion (rĭ-jĕn'-e-rā'-shen) The act or process of the regrowth of lost or destroyed parts or organs tech·nol·o·gy (tek-'nä-le-jē) the application of science to invent useful things or to solve problems Investing in Innovation. Investing in Maine. 8 Venture Avenue Brunswick, Maine 04011 207.582.4790 Maine is home to many innovative people and a growing number of technology companies focused on solving global problems and inventing new products and services that create value and oppor- tunity for Maine. MTI is a key partner helping define technology and providing funds, business know-how and resources to help build successful innovative tech- nology businesses in Maine. Reaching out to MTI may be your defining moment. Contact MTI at 207.582.4790 or info@mainetechnology. org or visit our web site at Dening success.

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