
March 9, 2015

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F u l l c o n t e n t s o n pa g e 4 » M O R E I N S I D E T H E L I S T F O C U S T e c h n o l o g y / printsub S U B S C R I B E c o n T i n u e d o n pa g e 1 4 » WEX continues to eye expansion B y J a m e s m c c a r t h y W EX President and CEO Melissa Smith has a well-honed elevator pitch about the company's prospects for continuing the 10% to 15% annual growth rate it's achieved since becoming publicly traded in 2005. Her strategic objectives can be summed up in just seven words: Accelerate growth, make targeted investments, drive scale. Next, she'll tell you that her con- fidence in achieving those objectives is based on the convergence of several trends that have helped WEX evolve from a simple fleet card business into a global company that's added travel, corporate and health payments to its business portfolio. e latter three p h o T o / T i m g r e e n way 18 PR spotlight for the lobster A Boston marketing firm has been hired to raise the profile of Maine lobster, and the men and women who catch them. 24 3D Printing Printers with 3D capability are changing how two Maine companies provide services. 28 New tourism perspective Chris Fogg, a veteran of the tourism industry, takes over at the Maine Tourism Association. S ta r t i n g o n P a g e 2 0 » L e a n retail B y L o r i V a L i g r a S e e w h o ' S n e x T o n pa g e 3 4 » St. Croix TIssue Inc. tops our list of the Largest Finance Authority of Maine loans. In his new company, Bull Moose founder and President Brett Wickard uses statistics to infer customers' future buying patterns Brett Wickard, right, president and founder of FieldStack, and Michael Stefanakos, vice president, say their software can help retail clients manage inventory on store shelves and control costs. March 9, 2015 Vo l . X X I N o. V

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