Hartford Business Journal

February 23, 2015

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22 Hartford Business Journal • February 23, 2015 www.HartfordBusiness.com AccolAdes & More SimSBury Blog, HealtH trainerS Donate SPortS eQuiPment to BoyS & girlS CluBS oF HartForD ▶ ▶ Simsbury blog, runitlikeamom, donated dozens of basketballs, hula hoops and sports equipment to Boys & girls Clubs of Hartford as part of its Jolly Kids Holiday gift Drive, organized in partnership with m.e.l.t. (More Energy, Less Time) Simsbury, a fitness team focused on small and large group personal training sessions for busy adults. All of the items were distributed to four Boys & Girls Club sites in Hartford to support Healthy Habits programs for Club members. ▶ ▶ murtha Cullina llP Partner ted Whittemore recently volunteered for Junior achievement of Southwest new england by teaching first graders at the northend elementary School in New Britain. Whittemore is a member of the JA Executive Committee. murtHa Cullina attorney VolunteerS For Junior aCHieVement ▶ ▶ Employees from Middletown-based Consulting engineering Services collected more than 13,063 food items and over $3,500 to win the Salvation army's annual architects and engineers Can Challenge contest. The winner was determined by dividing the amount of cans and cash collected by the number of participating employees. Consulting Engineering Services has participated in the program since 1997. Over 96,000 cans and approximately $14,000 have been collected by CES employees during this time. miDDletoWn engineering Firm ColleCtS oVer 13,000 FooD DonationS oF NoTe mCC PreSiDent gliCKman nameD to national College aSSoCiation BoarD The association of american Colleges and universities (aaC&u) has named manchester Community College President gena glickman to its board of directors. AAC&U is the leading national asso- ciation concerned with the quality, vitality and public standing of under- graduate liberal education. Glickman was named the fifth president of Manchester Community College in 2008. Previously, she was vice president for teaching, learning and student development at Elgin Community College, a large com- prehensive community college west of Chicago. • • • QuinniPiaC ProFeSSor nameD among 50 moSt inFluential latinoS in ConneCtiCut latinos united for Professional advancement has named Quinnipiac university business professor rowena ortiz-Walters one of the 50 most influential latinos in Connecticut for 2014. Ortiz-Walters, who is chair of the man- agement department in the Quinnipiac University School of Business, was nominated for being the co-founder and co-director of the Center for Women & Business at Quinnipiac. The center is dedicated to addressing concerns faced by women in a professional capacity. Ortiz-Walters, who joined the Quinnipiac faculty in 2004, earned her Ph.D. in management from the University of Connecticut. She has served as department chair since 2012. • • • Keiler reCeiVeS PreStigiouS CertiFiCation Farmington advertising agency Keiler was recently certified by the Women's Business enterprise national Council through the Center for Women & Enterprise. WBENC is the nation's leading advocate and largest third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the United States. This certification means that Keiler will be recognized more prominently when it comes to competing for opportunities offered by organizations with supplier/vendor diversity pro- grams, including government organizations and corporations. • • • S/l/a/m ConStruCtion SerViCeS ProJeCtS earn HigH HonorS From aBC Ct CHaPter The S/l/a/m Collaborative and S/l/a/m Construction Services, based in Glastonbury, were among those recently honored by Connecticut Associated Builders and Contractors at its 2015 Excellence in Construction awards dinner. S/L/A/M Construction Services was honored with the Best in Show Award for its work on the music department and Mattison Auditorium renovations at Kent School in Kent. The S/L/A/M Collaborative also took first place for Institutional Projects for its work on the H.H. Ellis Technical High School in Danielson. Please note: All electronic submissions for Accolades should be sent to accolades@HartfordBusiness.com. For more information about the Hartford Business Journal's Accolades Page, please visit www.HartfordBusiness.com. gena glickman rowena ortiz-Walters

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