
Giving Guide 2014

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V O L . X X N O. X X G i V i N G G u i d e 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 1 5 40 Top funding source(s) Board oFFicers Ted scontras Board Vice President Executive Vice President, The Bank of Maine Joan smith Board Treasurer Principal, Baker Newman Noyes stephanie eglinton Board Secretary Program Officer, Sam L. Cohen Foundation Board MeMBers richard Brown Charlotte White Center Mike Burke Community Concepts Tina chapman Kennebec Behavioral Health Leonard cole Cole Nonprofits Law LLC Lisa dixon Portland Symphony Orchestra ellen Golden Coastal Enterprises Inc. Martha Greene Brann & Isaacson Lisa Miller The Bingham Program donna-Jo Mitchell EMHS Foundation shirar patterson United Way of Eastern Maine Gerard Queally Spectrum Generations christine stelling The Opportunity Alliance Julia st. Germain Unum douglas Woodbury Board President scott schnapp Executive Director 2015 GoAlS Advancing: We work to advance public policy supportive of Maine nonprofits and raise the awareness of the critical role of nonprofits in our society. MANP teaches nonprofits how to legally and effectively advocate for their programs and the causes they serve; MANP lobbies for sound public policy on behalf of all Maine nonprofits; and MANP conducts research and disseminates information to a wide range of Maine residents on nonprofits' economic and community impact. Our goals for 2015 include: f Conducting the 12th annual nonprofit Day at the State House on Jan. 29, 2015 to promote stronger connections between state government and the nonprofit sector f Releasing our biennial Partners in Prosperity report to highlight the economic and social impact of Maine's nonprofit sector Connecting: MANP connects people and resources to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Maine's nonprofit sector. MANP believes in the power of networks to increase collective impact and is a leader in convening people and organizations across sectors to foster collaborative approaches to pressing issues and opportunities. In 2015, MANP will: f Hold its third leadership institute for new executive Directors, a six-month skill-based program designed to provide a cohort of 20-25 new nonprofit leaders with the management skills necessary to succeed in their new posi- tions and a strong peer support network f Develop the sixth session of the Sustainable food Systems leadership institute, which provides tools and resources for 25 leaders from across the state to help strengthen Maine's local food movement f Hold its third Community Catalyst Celebration to celebrate the contributions of the sector and recognize an outstanding community volunteer with the Maddy Corson Community Catalyst Award Strengthening: rough a broad range of training programs, including SkillBuilders, Board Boot Camps, Nonprofit Finance Conference and the Executive Leadership Forum, and an extensive online Resource Library, MANP helps nonprofits ensure that every dollar raised and spent makes a difference in our communities. In 2015, MANP will: f Hold two Board Boot Camps in communities around the state. ese day- long programs provide nonprofit board members with tools and resources to strengthen nonprofit governance f Convene nonprofit executive directors, board leaders and funders for two executive leadership forums, which are designed to highlight significant issues facing nonprofit leadership f Hold its annual nonprofit finance Conference, a day-long event designed to strengthen the financial skills of nonprofit staff and volunteer leaders f Strengthen the management capacity of nonprofit leaders through SkillBuilder train- ings across the state and a broad range of webinars offered through national partners funDRAiSinG eventS/oPPoRtunitieS MANP provides several opportunities to sponsor events or publications, as well as opportunities to exhibit at events which attract key nonprofit, business and governmental decision makers. GivinG oPPoRtunitieS Businesses and individuals may join MANP as a "Friend of MANP" at levels ranging from $100 to $5,000 per year. MANP also works with business part- ners who are willing to provide discounted or free services to our members in exchange for becoming a "Friend of MANP." volunteeR oPPoRtunitieS Each year, many skilled volunteers provide critical management training through our SkillBuilder program, customized trainings and conferences. established: 1994 employees: 6 annual revenue: $611,279 conTacT 565 Congress St., Suite 301 Portland, ME 04105 (207) 871-1885 Mission sTaTeMenT The Maine Association of Nonprofits is a statewide, membership organization repre- sentative of, and a champion for, Maine nonprofits. Our mission is to strengthen the leadership, voice and organizational effectiveness of our state's nonprofits so they can better enrich the quality of com- munity and personal life in Maine. serVice LocaTion(s) Statewide Training fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47% Memberships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36% Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Service fees & subscriptions . . . . . . . . . 6% Contributions and interest . . . . . . . . . . . 1% Maine Association of nonprofits

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