
February 9, 2015

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V o l . X X I N o. I I I F e b r ua r y 9 , 2 0 1 5 4 A division of New England Business Media LLC C E O Peter Stanton PrEsidEnt, GrOuP PublishEr Joe Zwiebel C F O Mary Rogers Publisher Donna Brassard editor Peter Van Allen online editor Dylan Martin senior Writers James McCarthy, Lori Valigra e d i t o r i a l a s s i s ta n t Mark Jeanneret Senior account managerS Ken Hanson, Andrea Tetzlaff, Betsy VanderPloeg account manager David Tremberth audience development coordinator Kelly Ansley eventS/marketing manager Rebekah Roy HoSpitality emerituS Zoey Contributing writers Tina Fischer, Jim Milliken, Doug Packard, Douglas Rooks, Laurie Schreiber, Jennifer Van Allen eDitoriAL reseArCHer Roger Magnus reseArCH AssistAnt Heide Martin CreAtive DireCtor Jan Holder AssoCiAte Art DireCtor Matt Selva Efficiency Maine supports high-performance commercial building construction with incentives and technical assistance. Building owners and design teams may find out more information by calling 1-866-ES-MAINE or visiting p h o t o / r u s s d I l l I n g h a M C o n t e n t s 14 23 Finding value in potatoes naturally potatoes' growth gives hope for Aroostook's farms Commentary Ceos need to understand workplace safety Real estate market trickles up York County continues to outpace northern counties 1 r eal es tate / C ons tr u C tI on / des I gn F O C U S 20 New life for old buildings in Augusta, developers convert old schools to senior housing The former Hodgkins Middle School in Augusta. Rodney McCrum has built Naturally Potatoes into a company with $35 million in sales. p h o t o / Ja M e s M C C a r t h y 14 20

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