
February 9, 2015

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V o l . X X I N o. I I I F e b r ua r y 9 , 2 0 1 5 20 P roviding appropriate housing for seniors and low-income families has become an even more difficult challenge for Maine towns and cities. Aging housing stock matched with a steep decline in federal and state subsidies has put a real squeeze on the number of new or renovated units that can be built, but some communities are finding cre- ative ways to get projects built. Augusta has managed to get two of its historic school buildings back into use. A former high school is scheduled to open as senior housing in June and construction to convert a former junior high nearby is sched- uled to begin later this year. Together, the projects will provide almost 100 units of subsidized or rent-stabilized apartments in a market where the estimated need is at least twice that. e old Cony Flatiron build- ing, right on Cony Circle at the end of the Memorial Bridge across the Kennebec River, is the more visible p h o t o / r u s s d I l l I n g h a M New life for old buildings in Augusta, developers convert old schools to senior housing B y D o u g l a s R o o k s C O M M E R C I A L R E A L E S T A T E A P P R A I S A L / R E V I E W A N D C O N S U L T I N G Va l u e . K n ow l e d g e . C o m p e t e n C e . e x p e r i e n C e . i n t e g r i t y. t r u s t. Contact mark l. plourde, mai, for a quote. 207-893-8345 | | Our professional unbiased opinions help you make informed commercial real estate decisions statewide serViCes • Commercial Real Estate Appraisal Reports • USPAP Appraisal Review Reports • Expert Testimony and Consulting come home Car WarM to a per day $10 open 4:30am to 1am or later. Drive 100 yards past baggage claim, look for our green sign. WWW.parknjetportland.CoM 747-5650 valet parking at the airport F O C U S Cynthia Taylor, president of the nonprofit Housing Initiatives of New England, at the mezzanine level of the Cony Flatiron building, a former high school that's being converted to senior housing.

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