
January 26, 2015

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V o l . X X I N o. I I Ja N ua r y 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 12 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E b u S i n e S S n e w S f ro m a ro u n d t h e S tat e 207.237.6819 207.237.6819 Meeting Higher Expectations - All Year 'Round. Introducing a New Type of Cloud DSCI is excited to establish a new home in Portland, Maine. By managing mission-cri cal IT and telecom infrastructures, we free customers to focus their efforts where they belong - on running their businesses. If you're ready to move to the cloud, DSCI is ready to take you there. Call us at 866.GET.DSCI to get started! Power Communica ons. Unleash Produc vity. 866.GET.DSCI To learn about Industrium's work for the United Arab Emirates, go to @ Kemp Goldberg changes name to reflect agency's values, growth ambitions It was an unusual assignment for Kemp Goldberg Partners. But after the Portland- based advertising and public relations agency lost two of its founding partners last summer, the work had to be done: Finding a new name. The task came just as the agency was in the middle of transitioning to larger clients, including a presidential commission and an entire country. But it was an important task nevertheless. The agency was originally named after its three founding partners: Dave Goldberg, Alex Kemp and Pam Kemp, so when the Kemps left in July to pursue new opportunities, Goldberg and his three remaining partners came together for a job they typically perform for clients. Six months and nearly 1,000 ideas later, Goldberg and partners landed on a name that would be considered a radical departure from its previous one, but reflecting what they consider to be the company's values of resourcefulness and diligence. The name, they recently revealed, is Industrium. "It's a pretty big leap," Derek LaVallee, a partner, told Mainebiz. "So it's going to surprise a lot of people, but we couldn't be more excited about it." Don Fibich, another partner and the agency's creative director, said that the new name's meaning is twofold. For one, it's the Latin root of "industry," upholding the agency's belief that it serves as a "factory of ideas" with a "roll- up-your-sleeves" work culture. But the name is also seen as an element on the agency's own periodic table for success. "It's an essential element in our process," Fibich said. "This notion of being industrious, being resourceful, being diligent [and] constantly turning stones over to find the best solution and not settling for anything less than that, it's what we are. It's what we do." LaVallee said the agency's continued strategy is to seek out larger clients on a regional, national and international level. One client Industrium represents is the Presidential Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities, which was launched in 2013 and for which the agency does communications and marketing work. "We are a big fish in a relatively small pond right now," he said, "and we've transitioned in the last six months to a year to become a medium-to-small fish in a large pond." Goldberg said despite the agency's growth strategy, Industrium will remain a Maine-based company and continue to value its work with Maine-based compa- nies and organizations. In fact, the company just signed another five-year lease for its Portland office on Fore Street. "We gain our strength from being here," he said. "We are a national agency in that we work nationally and internationally, but our strength really is right here." — D Y L A N M A R T I N P h o t o / m at t ro b b i n S The Portland advertising and PR shop Kemp Goldberg has rebranded itself as Industrium. Its partners are (from left) Dan Ventura, Derek LaVallee, Don Fibich and Dave Goldberg.

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