
January 26, 2015

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F u l l c o n t e n t s o n pa g e 4 » M O R E I N S I D E T H E L I S T F O C U S G r e at e r P o r t l a n d / printsub S U B S C R I B E C o n t i n u e d o n Pa G e 1 9 » S e e w h o ' S n e x t o n Pa G e 3 4 » The Maine State Chamber of Commerce tops our list of Maine's largest chambers of commerce. 30 Key promotion at Sea Bags A long-time Sea Bags employee, Carrie Fletcher, is now in charge of sail acquisition, among other tasks. 26 Committed to biofuels Maine Standard Biofuels, a producer of alternative fuels, looks to boost its market share as gas prices drop. 22 Labor pains Some Greater Portland companies are finding novel ways to attract and retain talent. Bar Harbor BioTech aims to make a name for itself B y L o r i V a L i g r a B ar Harbor BioTechnology Inc., the private spinoff from e Jackson Laboratory, started strong and fast out of the gate in 2006, moving quickly to accrue nine individual and institutional investors (two of whom provided a multimillion dollar Series A financing), plus two Maine Technology Institute awards totaling $770,000 to fund its gene analysis tool development. But a confluence of factors soon stunted its expansion in a high-growth part of the genetics market. e company regrouped last summer, changing top management and splitting off one of its businesses. Fred Harris, president of Bath Iron Works, maintains that the shipyard needs to become more competitive on cost to win future contracts. P h o t o / t i m G r e e n way S ta r t i n g o n P a g e 14 » BIW shipyard looks to cut costs to win major Coast Guard contract B y J a m e s m c c a r t h y January 26, 2015 Vo l . X X I N o. I I

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