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2025 BOOK OF LISTS | HARTFORDBUSINESS.COM 3 EDUCATION Largest MBA programs in Connecticut ........................................................... 5 Largest accounting degree programs in Connecticut................................ 6 Largest Connecticut colleges and universities ............................................. 7 Connecticut State Community College campuses ...................................... 9 FINANCE Largest credit unions in Connecticut ..............................................................12 Largest SBA lenders .............................................................................................14 Notable SBA loans in Connecticut ....................................................................15 Largest in-state banks ......................................................................................... 17 Largest out-of-state banks in Connecticut ...................................................21 Top wealth management firms in Greater Hartford .................................. 24 ECONOMY Privately-held companies in Greater Hartford ........................................... 27 Top paid CEOs at publicly traded companies based in Connecticut .....28 Largest chambers of commerce in Greater Hartford...............................29 Connecticut's largest employers .....................................................................30 Minority-owned businesses in Greater Hartford ........................................31 Largest manufacturing companies in Greater Hartford..........................32 Telecommunications providers in Connecticut ...........................................33 Largest publicly-traded companies based in Connecticut ......................34 Wealthiest ZIP codes in Greater Hartford .................................................... 35 Women-owned businesses in Greater Hartford .........................................36 Largest office furniture dealers in Greater Hartford ................................ 37 NONPROFITS Largest arts & culture nonprofits in Greater Hartford ............................39 Largest social service nonprofits in Greater Hartford .............................39 HEALTH Largest life sciences & biotechnology companies in Connecticut .......41 Largest hospitals in Greater Hartford ...........................................................43 Largest Connecticut health maintenance organizations .........................45 HOSPITALITY & RECREATION Largest cannabis businesses in Connecticut ...............................................47 Largest brewers in Connecticut ......................................................................48 Largest hotels in Connecticut ...........................................................................49 Largest banquet and meeting venues in Connecticut ..............................50 INNOVATION Largest Connecticut Innovations aid recipients ......................................... 52 Solar energy companies operating in Connecticut....................................54 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Largest accounting firms in Greater Hartford ............................................ 57 Largest advertising, marketing & PR firms in Greater Hartford ..........61 Largest IT and telephony service providers in Greater Hartford ..........63 Largest employee-benefits consultants in Greater Hartford ................65 Largest insurance agencies in Greater Hartford .......................................68 Largest law firms in Greater Hartford ........................................................... 70 Lobbying firms in Connecticut .......................................................................... 72 REAL ESTATE Largest commercial property sales in 2024. ...............................................75 Largest single-family home sales in Connecticut ...................................... 76 Largest single-family home sales in Hartford County ..............................77 Largest commercial contractors in Greater Hartford .............................. 78 Largest architecture firms in Greater Hartford .........................................82 Largest commercial real estate brokers in Greater Hartford ...............83 Co-working spaces in Greater Hartford .......................................................84 ENERGY Largest electric suppliers providing energy to Connecticut .................. 87 W elcome to our 2025 Book of Lists publication, a resource guide for Connecticut's business community. As we head into a new year, much uncertainty exists around the state and U.S. economies, particularly as new leadership takes overall at the federal level. That makes HBJ's Book of Lists all the more relevant as it helps inform the region's business, civic and nonprofit leaders as they plan and strategize for 2025. Our hope is that you will use this book as a reference guide and that the industry listings and contacts will assist you in your daily business decisions. As you comb through the 47 lists in this year's book, you'll find a wide range of industries covered. If you need a new accountant or lawyer, we've identified the region's largest firms. If you are looking for an ad agency or real estate broker, we've got you covered there as well. I'd like to thank our Research Director Stephanie Meagher and Research Assistant Heide Martin for their work on this publication. They had the challenging task of gathering the data and putting together the lists. If you think your company belongs on any of these lists, please let us know. You can contact Stephanie Meagher at In the meantime, we wish you luck, good health and prosperity in the year ahead. Greg Bordonaro EDITOR A Business Resource Guide FROM THE EDITOR Contents ADVERTISING INDEX ON PAGE 2 ON THE COVER: View from across the Connecticut River of downtown Hartford. PHOTO | ADOBESTOCK Subscriptions Annual subscriptions are $132.00. To subscribe, visit, email circulation@, or call (845) 267-3008. Advertising For advertising information, please call (860) 236-9998. Please address all correspondence to: Hartford Business Journal, 100 Allyn Street, Suite 3, Hartford, CT 06103 Stay Connected For breaking and daily Greater Hartford business news go to: HBJ on Twitter: @HartfordBiz HBJ on Facebook: HBJ on ford-Business-Journal Daily e-newsletters: HBJ Today, CT Morning Blend: Hartford Business Journal (ISSN 1083-5245) is published bi-weekly, 27x per year — including two special issues in November and December — by New England Business Media, LLC, 100 Allyn Street, Suite 3, Hartford, CT 06103. Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT and at additional entry points. Peter Stanton | CEO, Tom Curtin | President, ext. 124, Editorial Greg Bordonaro | Editor, ext. 139 Drew Larson | Web Editor, ext. 121 Beat: Energy Michael Puffer | Staff Writer, ext. 145 Beats: Real Estate, Economic Development, Banking & Finance David Krechevsky | Staff Writer, ext. 702 Beats: Health Care, Bioscience Harriet Jones | Staff Writer, ext. 145 Beats: Manufacturing, Cannabis, Professional Services Stephanie R. Meagher | Research Director Heide Martin | Research Assistant Steve Laschever | Photographer Business Tom Curtin | Publisher, ext. 124, Jessica M. Quinn | Associate Publisher, ext. 137 Emily Paskind | Senior Accounts Manager, ext. 133, Sadie Bride | Senior Accounts Manager, ext. 141, Tracy Rodwill | Human Resources Manager Production Bartosz Zinowko | Production Director, ext. 147