Worcester Business Journal

WBJ 35th Anniversary Issue-October 28, 2024

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wbjournal.com | October 28, 2024 | Worcester Business Journal 43 35th Anniversary WBJ In fact, he says, man-made snow is better for skiing and lasts longer. "We're spending (a) half-million dollars this year on fan-type snowmaking units to enable us to get the place open on a timely basis," said Crowley, with the technology becoming more energy efficient and better for the environment. "It's more dense and less apt to melt," Crowley said of man-made snow. "Natural snow is beautiful, but doesn't last as long." Snowmaking operations, along with the mountain's webcams, were added by the Crowley family over the years. "We were webcam early adopters," Crowley said. "It allowed people to go online and see ski conditions before heading out." Mount Wachusett – which had its trails cut in 1937 as part of a government program – will have its oldest li replaced by a high-speed, six-pack li next year, offering nine-second spacing in between each carrier, with auto-closure and auto-locking mechanisms. "It has the same capacity as a high-speed quad that would be loaded every six seconds," Crowley said. Another investment Mount Wachusett is making this year is replacing its circa-1960s skier services building, a project in the final planning stages. Investment and improvement decisions – such as new lis and building renovations – can come from customer feedback; anonymous surveys with management; and social media comments. Some upgrades aren't as apparent to visitors, such as new soware systems and well-pump replacements, Crowley said. COVID constraints During the pandemic, Wachusett Mountain did its best to accommodate the state's mandate that it cut its capacity in "We're spending half (a) million dollars this year on fan-type snowmaking units to enable us to open on a timely basis." – Jeff Crowley, on Wachusett's efforts to keep skiiers coming back despite climate-change challenges Continued on next page Wachusett Mountain has shined through ups and downs over the years. COURTESY MASS. OFFICE OF TRAVEL & TOURISM

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