Worcester Business Journal

WBJ 35th Anniversary Issue-October 28, 2024

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Page 39 of 91

40 Worcester Business Journal | October 28, 2024 | wbjournal.com 35th Anniversary WBJ UNITED WAY Central Massachusetts UNITED IS THE WAY Connecting People & Resources to Improve the Community To Youth Opportunity To Financial Security To a Healthy Community To a Resilient Community unitedwaycm.org | 18 Chestnut Street Worcester MA ond-floor retail space, which I thought was going to be a non-starter," Norton said. "Second-floor retail is tough anywhere – es- pecially in Worcester – so I kind of backed away from it." e turning point came aer a discussion with UMass Memorial Health Care, Norton said. e healthcare network already occu- pied space in the Norton-owned Worces- ter Business Center on Millbrook Street. UMass Memorial officials expressed interest in having a downtown presence, and that, Norton said, is what made him take a sec- ond look at the Front Street properties. He eventually purchased them for $33 million in 2015. "I did a deep dive on the property, got to know it, and put an offer in on it contin- gent on UMass committing to 90,000-plus square feet. ey signed a lease, I bought the property, and they took a big chunk of second-floor space in the old mall," he said. "With them as the mainstay, so to speak, I moved the project forward, and it's been very successful on the office side." Retail, however, is taking a bit longer than Norton said he expected. About Continued from previous page CitySquare saw the rise of the Unum Building (left), which has since been rebranded as One Mercantile (right), which is now adorned with the Fallon Health logo. WBJ FILE PHOTO

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