
October 7, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X X I I I O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 24 4 0 U N D E R 4 0 AWA R D Best way to recharge: Long walks, cooking, hanging out with friends, and watching "Great British Menu." At age 60: At a candlelit dinner table engrossed in eating superb food with my loving family and friends. A craft brewer with Italy on his mind Alex Maffucci, 39 President, Atlantic Brewing Co., Bar Harbor Significant professional accomplishment: I'm really proud of two additions I brought to Atlantic during my tenure. First, the addition of our second location, Atlantic Brewing- Midtown [in Bar Harbor]. It's a restaurant and pilot brewery in one, which allows us to showcase specialty recipes as well as the introduction of our lager program. I was also responsible for transitioning our brand from bottles to cans. Atlantic Brewing made its name in 22-ounce bottles and then in six-packs of bottles. Pivoting to cans was a big project with several underlying risks. Thankfully, the success of these two initiatives rewarded our company with double-digit growth in each year of my leadership. Passion project: I love building things with my hands. Whether it be a home renovation or a custom dollhouse for my daughter. I have also served on the board of directors of the Maine Brewers' Guild since 2019 and currently hold the position of treasurer. Audacious goal: Retire to Florence, Italy, with my wife. I'd love to spend my time drinking wine and eating Italian food in the Tuscan mountains. As an Italian American, I'm currently working on getting my dual citizenship, which is really exciting! Favorite quote: "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans" — from "Beautiful Boy," by John Lennon. I think of this quote when I need to remember to slow down and enjoy the moment. Influential book: "Random Walk Guide to Investing," by Burton G. Malkiel. This book taught me the importance of investing early and often. Favorite movie: "Jurassic Park." Watching this movie reminds me to keep the kid inside alive. Best way to recharge: am lucky enough to have Acadia National Park in my backyard. Riding my bicycle on the carriage roads is a great way to recharge. At age 60: Right here at the helm of Atlantic Brewing, hopefully with the next generation of Maffuccis in the wings. A contractor rides the building boom Clay Maker, 33 Co-president, Penobscot General Contractors Significant professional accomplishment: Taking the risk with my business partner to purchase a company in a highly competi- tive market space. The company's success today is a culmination of a solid foundation we received when we purchased the com- pany and a lot of teamwork, collaboration, hard work, and determination by many people. Reflecting on the company's jour- ney over the last four years, and all that we have achieved and overcome, is an awesome thought. My most significant accomplishment is watching our team grow both individually and collectively on a day-to-day basis, which ultimately leads to the continued success for the company. Being a part of this process has been tremendously enjoyable and satisfying. Current state of mind: Optimistic about the future Passion project: My new passion project is becoming the best father I can be as my wife and I are expecting a baby girl this fall. 'Lightbulb' moment: When I was 15, I started a driveway sealing company called Sealed With a Kiss with a couple of my buddies. It ended up growing into a sizable opera- tion for a high school business with wholesale product deals and a large book of business. It was during this process that I learned to love the entrepreneurship life- style and the risk and reward and creative problem solving that comes along with it. I came out of this experience knowing that I wanted to own a business someday. A few years ago, I found an index card with some notes on it from my college orientation. The prompt was, "What are you career goals?" I had written down, "Owning my own construction business by the time I am 30." My partner and I closed on the purchase of our business 12 days after my 30th birthday. Audacious goal: Elected public service in some form. Favorite quote: "Never give in. Never, never, never, never — in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently over- whelming might of the enemy" — Winston Churchill Influential book: "Grant," by Ron Chernow. A great biography of a man who started from nothing and ended up being one of the most influential people in U.S. history, who is now mostly forgotten. What is a favorite movie, podcast or TV show: Movie: "The Departed." Show: "The Office." Podcast: "History That Doesn't Suck" Best way to recharge: Being social and play- ing golf At age 60: Spending as much time with family and friends as possible and serv- ing the community. A manufacturing supervisor with a desire to mentor Samantha Mason, 25 Test planning supervisor, General Dynamics Bath Iron Works Significant professional accomplishment: Becoming a supervisor of the Test Planning Group at BIW. To take that significant step early in my career, in a highly technical and historically male dominated role, is something I am extremely proud of. Current state of mind: I'm excited about where I am in my career and the opportunities that exist today in manufacturing. I am looking to learn more, hone my craft, and continue to seek out progressive responsibility within BIW. Passion project: My passion is being a mentor. I have a younger sister early on in her high school career who shares similar strengths, weaknesses and abilities as I did at that age. I hope to pro- vide her continued guidance so that she can reach her potential. 'Lightbulb' moment: Discovering that pas- sion is a product of perseverance and not the other way around. When I was initially appointed to take on a role within the Test Planning Group, I knew nothing about Test & Activation and dreaded the project assignment. After putting my head down and becoming one of the leaders in the field, the journey, hard work and dedication required really built my appreciation for this role. Audacious goal: To become a director at BIW, which is underneath a vice president for a specific department. Favorite quote: "Every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity" — James Clear, in "Atomic Habits." » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E I'd like to be a mentor to the next generation of women in manufacturing. — Samantha Mason General Dynamics Bath Iron Works P H O T O / S O U B A N H P H A N T H AY P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY P H O T O / C O U R T E S Y My favorite movie is Jurassic Park. Watching this movie reminds me to keep the kid inside alive! — Alex Maffucci Atlantic Brewing Co.

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