
October 7, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X X I I I O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 22 4 0 U N D E R 4 0 AWA R D An investment officer with a love for salt water Tom Kittredge, 36 Senior investment officer, Maine Technology Institute Significant professional accomplishment: Becoming an active contributor and leader within Maine's entre- preneurial ecosystem. As chair of Startup Maine, leader of the Maine Accelerates Growth initiative, and senior investment officer at Maine Technology Institute, it's been incredible to have a meaningful impact on the trajectory of both individual Maine companies and the broader ecosystem. Passion project: For the past few years, I have been chair of the board of the New School, a democratic, independent high school in Kennebunk. It's been deeply rewarding to watch our students grow and thrive in that environment. On a personal level, I set myself the goal of jumping in the ocean for 100 straight days this summer and I'm on track to finish by early September. 'Lightbulb' moment: Most of my twenties were spent in the human rights and international education sectors. During my time working at the Council on International Exchange, I helped facilitate a program on social entre- preneurship. This was my first meaningful exposure to the idea of leveraging business approaches to address social and environmental issues and it inspired me to go get an MBA with a focus on social entrepreneurship and innovation. Favorite quote: The quote I have been dwelling on recently is "Look to this day, for it is life," from the "Salutation to the Dawn." The poem played a recurring role in my childhood, and at a time when the future can appear daunting and uncertain, it's a reminder to savor the beauty of today. Influential book: Not sure if this qualifies as most influ- ential, but the "Lord of the Rings" is my most revis- ited trilogy. "Catch-22," "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Leaves of Grass" are also favorites. Favorite movie, TV show, or podcast: "Arrested Development." It's an ageless and brilliant com- mentary on family dynamics, wealth and privilege and why you should always leave a note. Best way to recharge: Hiking, playing and watching soccer, pickleball, the New York Times crossword (my partner and I are on a two-year solving streak), swim- ming and hosting dinner parties. At age 60: Life has taught me that it's difficult to predict that far out, but I suspect as long as I have access to salt water and time with loved ones, I'll be content. Venture capitalist is building business with a purpose David Klein, 35 Head of WEX Venture Capital, WEX Inc. Significant professional accomplishment: Earlier in my career I was the founder of a startup. It was the first time I raised venture capital for a company that I built. Creating a job for myself was liberating, but creating jobs for other people to join our company was rewarding. It was an honor to have each of them trust us with the next step in their career, and to help them continue to grow. Going from idea to job creation made me appreciate our econ- omy in a new way. Now, as the head of WEX Venture Capital, I think this experience helps me connect with the founders we support because I know the emotional journey of building a company. Current state of mind: I'm excited about the opportunity I have through WEX Venture Capital to make a meaningful impact on the energy transition and the future of WEX. At the same time, every day since Oct. 7, I've been thinking about Israel and Jews around the world. I'm heartbroken for the victims, hostages and their families and humbled by the bravery of those who are fighting for Israel's security. Passion project: During my 20s I met hundreds of entrepreneurs each year, both through work and a volunteer organization I ran. Now that's my full-time job, I'll add some- thing else — I'm a musician. I released an album last year that's available on most streaming services. 'Lightbulb' moment: I used to work at the General Assembly, where I built educa- tional software that was used by people in 60 countries. I met a student of ours who lives in Croatia and was a top performer on our digital marketing assessment. She told me that when she saw her scores, it changed her perception of what she and Croatians could achieve in the digital economy. That conversation made me appreciate that digital products can inspire people all around the world. Audacious goal: The WEX Venture Capital team has an opportunity to decarbonize the mobility industry, which accounts for about a quarter of greenhouse gas emis- sions. WEX's scale can make a big difference in bringing new technologies to market, so I'm eager to see that through. We also have an opportunity to solidify Maine's role as a hub for clean energy technology. Personally, I hope to have a happy family, keep up my annual trip with my college friends, and record a few more albums. Favorite quote: Viktor Frankl was a Holocaust survivor and psychologist best known for his memoir, "Man's Search for Meaning." Favorite quote: "Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself" — Viktor Frankl Influential book: "Team of Rivals," by Doris Kearns Goodwin Favorite album, podcast: My favorite album is "Alone Together," by Dave Mason. My favorite podcast is "Call Me Back," with Dan Senor. Best way to recharge: I used to say playing music, lis- tening to music, playing soccer, biking, or cross-country skiing, but now I have to admit — hanging out with my daughter is the best. At age 60: I hope to have a big family, a happy mar- riage, and to feel like I'm still in the middle of my career — still curious, creative and enthusiastic to make things happen. A veteran who's helping fellow veterans Kayla Lewis, 30 Owner, Upward Consulting Significant professional accomplishment: Although I am tempted to say starting Upward Consulting, my most significant professional accomplishment has happened due to Upward Consulting. Through Upward Consulting, I have been able to work with community partners to assist with implementing community programming that has enriched the lives of veterans experiencing homelessness. As a veteran, it has been an honor to use my skill set to serve my fellow veterans. Passion project: All of my passion projects, at the moment, stem from cooking. Currently, I am enthralled with supporting and sourcing ingredients from local organic producers. I am a firm believer in the community- supported agriculture model. Supporting producers who aim to keep my family and community safe and healthy through holistic agricultural practices is more than worth my dollar. In addition to my other food-based hobbies, I am volunteering at my local community garden. 'Lightbulb' moment: The turning point for me as a professional occurred during the end of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. At the time, I was volunteer- ing at a local community center that served low-income » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E I set myself the goal of jumping in the ocean for 100 straight days this summer and I'm on track to finish by early September. — Tom Kittredge Maine Technology Institute P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY

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