
October 7, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X X I I I O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 18 4 0 U N D E R 4 0 AWA R D Passion project: My passion for connecting people finds its fullest expression through founding Coelle Travel. I also take great joy in sharing my culture through food by hosting private Moroccan dinners and curated food experiences. I have the pleasure of introducing others to the vibrant stories and traditions of my Amazigh and Moroccan heritage. Audacious goal: Create an initiative that ensures every girl has the opportunity to pursue her education. Favorite quote: "Our stories, our music, and our traditions are vital parts of who we are. Preserving and revitaliz- ing our cultures is an act of resistance and resilience" Mali Obomsawin Influential book: "Braiding Sweetgrass," by Robin Wall Kimmerer Favorite movie or TV show: "Street Food" (documentary) and "Bridgerton" Best way to recharge: When I'm not working, I recharge by enjoying Moroccan tea (Atay) with a family member or friend; taking long, reflective walks; and sometimes cooking. At age 60: I envision myself living in a small town with my family, ideally by the water or in the mountains, sur- rounded by animals like chickens, goats, bunnies and cows. I also look forward to gardening more, continuing to learn about the world, and helping others connect with different people and cultures. An insurance professional who focuses on problem-solving Zack Frechette, 37 President and CEO, United Insurance Significant professional accomplishment: Earning the trust of my fellow sharehold- ers and our board of directors who elected me president and CEO of United Insurance in 2021. Passion project: I love everything about the WinterKids D24 fundraising event at Sugarloaf. For the past two years, I've challenged my peers, partners and colleagues to dig deep to help K-12 students stay active outdoors year-round. Last year, United Insurance came in second overall in the team competition. Suffice to say, I'm really looking forward to next year. 'Lightbulb' moment: My uncle owned his own insurance agency, and I always admired the way people turned to him for advice. He wasn't a salesman; he was a problem-solver, and he inspired me to join the insurance industry after college. A few months after I started my first job, he told me about the challenges and rewards of run- ning his business. He also told me about how much he respected United Insurance's perpetuation model and encouraged me to set my sights there if I wanted maximum opportunity. That set me on the path that got me where I am today and it's a huge reason why youth development is the primary focus of United Insurance's philanthropic efforts. Every kid needs a mentor like my uncle. Audacious goal: For United Insurance to be as top of mind to anyone who needs insurance as L.L. Bean is for anyone who needs a new pair of boots. Favorite quote: "If you want something you never had, you have to do something you've never done" โ€” Thomas Jefferson Influential book: "The Best Place to Work," by Ron Friedman Favorite movie: "Avatar" Best way to recharge: Skiing, hunting, fishing, woodworking, relaxing at camp with my family. At age 60: Hopefully, enjoying retirement in the great state of Maine! Exploring complex medical questions around genomics in cancer treatment Leah Graham, 34 Program director, Maine Cancer Genomics Initiative, Jackson Laboratory Significant professional accomplishment: Over the last three years, I've been able to use my scientific expertise to explore com- plex medical questions around the topic of genomics in cancer treatment in my role in the Maine Cancer Genomics Initiative at JAX. We work with oncologists, nurses, genetic counselors and researchers from across Maine to discuss the mutations present in a patient's cancer and help to identify the appropriate treatments to target those mutations. It's a reminder that biomedical research impacts people at the end of the day, and I'm able to do this work with a team of people whom I really enjoy. Passion project: My passion project at the moment is my garden. Our yard was quite a large, blank slate when we moved into our house and that enabled me to experiment with many flowers and colors. I love seeing all the birds and insects enjoy the space. 'Lightbulb' moment: When I was in graduate school, in a bench research lab, it became clear that being able to communicate scientific research to non- scientists is very challenging and some- times not done well. I remember realizing this often-overlooked aspect is a missed opportunity for scientists, as our primary goal is to improve society for everyone. Since then, I've tried to emphasize the importance of science communication in every chapter in my career. Audacious goal: My goal in life is to stay positive, inspire future scientists through mentoring, and continue to work on impactful research. Favorite quote: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" โ€” Maya Angelou Influential book: "East of Eden," by John Steinbeck Best way to recharge: Being out- side with my dog, Sully. Often being outside includes some combination of swimming, hiking, boating, skiing or biking and makes me feel better every time. At age 60: Hiking in the woods and sailing the oceans while working part- time doing something I enjoy. A former soccer pro dedicated to bringing professional soccer to Maine Gabe Hoffman-Johnson, 32 Founder, chief community officer, Portland Hearts of Pine Significant professional accomplishment: I will never forget signing my contract to become a professional soccer player back in 2015. It was the dream achieved (or so I thought at the time); something I spent so much of my younger life working toward. But my time as a pro unfortunately ended prematurely through a back injury, putting that moment in very different perspective. Now, I'm incredibly grateful to say that bringing professional soccer to Maine, something I've dedicated most of myself to since 2019, is far and away both my favorite and, I would say, my most significant professional accomplishment. My parents raised me to be both driven and motivated to do good and to add value and contribute to the people and community around me. Having been raised by a col- legiate soccer coach and athletic director for a father, and an international peacebuilder for a mother, it's no surprise that striving to use soccer as a conduit to accomplish these goals comes naturally; it's quite literally who I am. 'Lightbulb' moment: In 2019, when lower division soccer was becoming a viable business model, I was planning my exit strategy from the world of finance ยป C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY It's a reminder that biomedical research impacts people at the end of the day, and I'm able to do this work with a team of people whom I really enjoy. โ€” Leah Graham Jackson Laboratory

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