
October 7, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X X I I I O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 16 4 0 U N D E R 4 0 AWA R D and chose to take a post-grad year teaching English in China. While I was abroad, I heard stressful stories from my friends who had gone into banking. I decided to forego a traditional career altogether and do my own thing instead. Audacious goal: My most audacious goal is to take a company public. Favorite quote: "Luck is not a business model" — Anthony Bourdain Influential book: "Outliers," by Malcolm Gladwell Favorite movie: "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy" (direc- tor's cut). I watch it at least once a year. Best way to recharge: I like to work hard in Maine dur- ing the summer, and then travel to somewhere warm in the winter to recharge. At age 60: I will most likely be a snowbird. Improving the health and well-being of Mainers affected by cancer Matt Dexter, 30 Executive director, Christine B. Foundation Significant professional accomplishment: I started the Christine B. Foundation, a nonprofit focused on improv- ing the health and well-being of Mainers affected by cancer. I am incredibly grateful that our community has transformed this dorm room idea into an innovative, trusted service provider. I find joy knowing that I'm improving the standard of cancer care, most notably around novel food as medicine practices. Despite limited resources, my team and I endure with the patient's voice front and center. Passion project: Most passions take the shape of board or committee service with health and community focuses. 'Lightbulb' moment: My story with can- cer started when my mom, Christine, passed at the age of 47 to stomach cancer. I was 13 when my family and I lost her, and this 'Lightbulb' moment began to pick up sparks. When an idea fills you with hope, helps you heal and gives you purpose, take that path with all your heart and eyes wide open. Audacious goal: Visit every state, teach social entrepreneurship, and learn how to build a (little) A-frame cabin. Favorite quote: "There is no better com- pass than compassion" — poet Amanda Gorman Influential book: "BE 2.0," by Jim Collins and Bill Lazier Favorite podcast: "Armchair Expert," with Dax Shepard Best way to recharge: Spending any time outside, whether running, read- ing, camping or simply enjoying a cup of coffee. At age 60: I can only hope I am healthy and living a life I can be proud of. An ocean researcher and entrepreneur who's making waves Ariadne Dimoula, 32 Founder and CEO, Paramount Planet Product Significant professional accom- plishment: Being awarded the National Science Foundation Phase II Small Business Innovative Research Award, a $1 million award. Current state of mind: Grateful and determined. Passion project: I am a principal investiga- tor for an international underwater ocean research study that integrates academic students into launching ocean research tools that record ocean currents. I love Surfrider Foundation, a national group whose members promote beach clean- ups, beach access for all and plastic-free protection; I am a longtime member of the Maine chapter and avid supporter and previous executive board member. 'Lightbulb' moment: My first memory of thinking about redesigning waste was at a swimming spot, called the Rope Swings, along the Stillwater River in Old Town. I was about eight when I noticed wrappers from the nearby fast-food joints littering that area along the river. I asked my mom, a pulp and paper engineer, if we could lace seeds into the pack- aging to grow plants. At that time, it seemed too expensive because plas- tic is so cheap and works so well. Years later the prevalence of plas- tic causing environmental destruc- tion started to become apparent to the public. On a sailing trip to Bermuda, I learned that plastic is in every scoop of sand and around the globe, even in ice that is unfrozen for a day. Months later, on a scuba trip in Cozumel, Mexico, I noticed the families there were traveling hundreds to thousands of miles to see sea turtles, and also enjoy coconuts or tropical drinks on the beach drinking through plastic straws, literally accidentally causing harm to the very creature they traveled so far to see. The tour- ists were starting to realize this irony, too. This was in late 2016, and it is when I circled back to my mother, and we started to look into alternative plant-based materials for packaging and funding opportunities. Audacious goal: Walk into any convenience store, coffee shop, hotel, restaurant, bar, caf- eteria, anywhere around the world, and see only ocean-compostable, fish-friendly verified single- use packaging products. Favorite quotes: The L a ko t a p h r a s e , " M n í wičhóni" ("Water is life") and "There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way." — Thich Nhat Hanh Influential book: "The Mindfulness Survival Kit," by Thich Nhat Hanh Favorite movies: "Legally Blonde 2" and "Some Like It Hot" Best way to recharge: Outside and on water, or just walking in the woods with my pups. In the winter I love to go skiing. The owner of a bakery that's an anchor for downtown Skowhegan Matthew DuBois, 36 Co-owner, the Bankery and Skowhegan Fleuriste Significant professional accomplishment: Start- ing my own business from scratch at the age 20. Over the past 16 years, along with my brother and husband, I have successfully grown this company from just two employ- ees to a thriving team of 26. This journey has not only taught me valuable les- sons in entrepreneurship and leadership, but it has also strengthened my com- mitment to my community. In addition to growing my pri- mary business, I took bold steps by purchasing another business at the age of 22. This allowed me to expand my expertise and contribute positively to the local econ- omy. I am also proud to be a co-owner of a real estate company, which has fur- ther diversified my profes- sional portfolio. Currently, I own three commercial » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E On a sailing trip to Bermuda, I learned that plastic is in every scoop of sand and around the globe. — Ariadne Dimoula Paramount Planet Product P H O T O / S O U B A N H P H A N T H AY P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY

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