
Giving Guide 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X X I I 32 G I V I N G G U I D E 2 0 24 – 2 0 2 5 N O N P RO F I T P RO F I L E 2025 GOALS Our north star is permanently eliminating childhood food insecurity in Maine. As much as possible, we seek to align our work with broader anti-hunger efforts in the state and beyond, most notably Maine's Roadmap for Ending Hunger by 2030 (which specifically includes maximizing existing nutrition programs as a key strategy). is year we will be focusing on developing a strategy for out-of-school time programs such as Afterschool and Summer Meals, and assisting in the development of resources for child nutrition programs as they begin to transition to new school nutrition guidelines. FUNDRAISING EVENTS/ OPPORTUNITIES Full Plates welcomes involvement from the business community as sponsors for our community events. During the 2024-2025 school year we will be hosting community suppers throughout the state to bring together school communities to learn more about school nutrition programs. For more information, please contact Keirstin Read at GIVING OPPORTUNITIES ere are many fun and creative ways to support Full Plates Full Potential and Maine kids. From a lemonade stand to hosting an event, businesses can get involved to help end childhood food insecurity in Maine! We have an array of opportunities ranging f rom our annual appeal and sponsored grant making, to percent of sales donations or one-time contributions. To learn more, please contact Keirstin Read at kread@ VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Full Plates welcomes the oppor- tunity to conduct Lunch & Learn style events at businesses throughout the state. As a small nonprofit with a statewide impact, we can always use extra hands on deck during our annual appeal season, and offer annual appeal mailing assistance as a vol- unteer opportunity. Additionally, we welcome donations of goods and ser- vices for our events. For more infor- mation, please contact Keirstin Read at For those looking for ways to become more directly involved with anti-hun- ger work in their communities, please visit to-give to connect with direct service organizations in your area. Full Plates Full Potential Justin Strasburger Executive Director Laura Pineo Board Chair BOARD OFFICERS Laura Pineo Chair, Former School Nutrition Director Julie Butcher Pezzino Vice Chair, Executive Director, Children's Museum & Theatre of Maine Justin Alfond Treasurer and Co-founder, Entrepreneur, Activist and Philanthropist Chelsey Carrier Secretary, Attorney and Mediator BOARD MEMBERS Khadija Ahmed, Entrepreneur, Chef and Non-Profit Founder Stephanie Cesario-DeBiasi, Program Officer, Maine Community Foundation Molly Clark, Co-owner, Cold Spring Ranch Kevin Concannon, Former USDA Under Secretary FNCS Ericka Dodge Katz, Director of External Communications & Community Relations, Hannaford Supermarkets Jeanne LaPointe, School Nutrition Director, RSU 10 Ryan Parker, Impact and Partnerships Lead, FoodCorps David Pease, Director of Talent, Diversity & Inclusion, Bangor Savings Bank Diane Woods, Business Management Consultant Established: 2015 / Employees: 8/ Annual revenue: $1,427,466 TOP FUNDING SOURCES 44% Institutional giving 41% Donation income 11% Cause marketing income 4% Event income CONTACT 14 Maine St., Box 3 Brunswick, ME 04011 @FullPlatesFullPotential @FullPlatesFullPotential AWARDS/ACCOLADES In March 2023, Full Plates was awarded $10 million by the U.S. Department of Agriculture through a cooperative agreement to dramatically increase the use of local ingredients in school meals and ensure school nutrition workers have the skills and equipment needed to use them. MISSION STATEMENT To strengthen child nutrition programs as critical tools for ending childhood food insecurity in Maine. SERVICE LOCATIONS State of Maine AT A GLANCE

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