
Giving Guide 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X X I I 88 G I V I N G G U I D E 2 0 24 – 2 0 2 5 N O N P RO F I T P RO F I L E Shalom House, Inc. 2025 GOALS Shalom House continues to be a leader in providing a wide array of support services and affordable housing options for people living with severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Shalom House has built a reputation among social service providers in Maine for providing a flexible continuum of care that meets people at their level of need, stops the ravaging effects of mental illness on their lives, and helps them to maintain their highest level of independence. Shalom House is committed to helping people move away from dependence on the mental health system and institutional settings toward community-based services and natural supports. Our overreaching goal is to help people with mental illness break through the barriers that make it difficult to recover from their illnesses. We accomplish this by: � Providing the tools and support necessary for our clients to meet their needs so that they may focus on their recovery. � Providing high quality, affordable and stable housing coupled with high quality, flexible mental health services in Cumberland and York counties. � Improving the quality of life for our clients by easing the burden of mental illness and supporting their highest level of independence. � Amplify the voices of the mentally ill in the state of Maine so that policy makers' choices are based on information rather than stereotypes. GIVING OPPORTUNITIES Shalom House welcomes financial contributions f rom individuals and organizations who wish to support our mission of providing Home, Health and Hope to those living with severe and persistent mental illness. Contributions can be designated to our various programs such as the Art Program, the Basic Needs Fund and the Annual Appeal – or made without a designation. � Annual Appeal Our Fall direct mail and online appeal supports the Shalom Art Program and the Basic Needs Fund and provides general operating support for our other programs. By contributing to the Annual Appeal, donors play a major role in providing those who are suffering without the tools and opportunities to enhance their lives and regain their independence. � Workplace Giving and Matching Gifts Businesses can participate in charity campaigns directed to Shalom House as well as offering to match employee contributions to Shalom House. � Art Cards Give your correspondence some style with our wonderful note card sets at Cards feature selected works from various Shalom House artists. All proceeds from the sale of cards benefit the Art Program's operational expenses. is includes our instructor, supplies, art shows and community outreach. All purchases directly benefit the art program. � In Kind Donations Our Annual Winter Coat Drive provides coats, hats, gloves and socks for our clients and residents. For a list of items we accept please visit our website, VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES A wonderful way for businesses and others to volunteer their time is to become a board member. Our Board of Directors is a diverse group of business leaders and community members who bring their field of expertise to the table. Our Board of Directors is a hard-working and "hands-on" active board. Each board member is asked to contribute 2-3 hours per month to board work by attending one monthly board meeting and sit on one of the board's committees. Committee meetings are generally held once a month as well. We ask that all potential board members have experience with any charitable cause in the past and understand nonprofit perspectives. Contact the Development Department at (207) 245-3528 if interested. BOARD OFFICERS Mark Adelson President, Retired Portland Housing Authority Gary Rogers Vice President, Transportation Supervisor, Blue Triton James Ascanio Treasurer, Managing Principal, McLeod Ascanio Kelly Webber Assistant Treasurer, Business Owner Holly Burbank Secretary, CFO, Amity Companies BOARD MEMBERS Shawn Baldwin Vice President, Special Assets Officer, Norway Savings Bank Richard Fischer Community Member Brian Killgallen Community Housing of Maine Rebecca Kingsley Sewall Peninsula Real Estate LLC Susan Lichtman Maataoui Geriatric Psychologist, VA Maine Jennifer Yahr Psychotherapist, APRN, CSJD Mary Haynes-Rodgers Executive Director Mark Adelson President, Retired, Portland Housing Authority Established: 1972 / Employees: 228/ Annual revenue: $33,572,190 TOP FUNDING SOURCES 60.3% Department of Housing and Urban Development 37.5% MaineCare 1.75% Grant and investment income 0.45% Donations and foundation grants CONTACT 106 Gilman St., Portland, ME 04102 (207) 874-1080 @SHIPortlandME MISSION STATEMENT Shalom House offers hope for adults living with severe mental illness by providing an array of community-based mental health services and a choice of quality housing that help people lead stable and fulfilling lives in the community. SERVICE LOCATIONS Shalom House owns and operates 27 properties in Cumberland and York counties that provide safe and comfort- able homes and support services for adults living with severe mental illness. Our BRAP and Shelter Plus Care Housing Subsidy Programs provide rental assistance state-wide. AT A GLANCE 37% Fundraising Events 21% Contributions 18% CPR Training Revenue 14% Other Revenue 10% Bequests

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