Hartford Business Journal Special Editions


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HARTFORDBUSINESS.COM | SEPTEMBER 2, 2024 B9 C-SUITE | 2024 AWARDS E ric Harrison is an experienced nonprofit leader, strategist and relation- ship builder who serves as president and CEO of United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut. Harrison's entire career has been dedicated to helping the most vulnera- ble, from his Peace Corps service in rural Mada- gascar to working more broadly with United Way and LGBT advocacy. In his role, Harrison brings public and private sector partners together around a shared vision of collective impact to change lives. What have been your biggest professional accomplishments over the past year? I reduced employee turnover by 50%, from 27% down to 11% year over year. I've led the organization through a multi-year strategic planning process that included nearly 30 one-on-one interviews and hosted more than 40 community conversations, speaking to nearly 400 people in central and northeastern Connecticut, along with a realignment of staff to increase opera- tional and fundraising excellence. I executed the sale of United Way's building at 30 Laurel St., which will bring an infusion of housing to the neighborhood and increase United Way's capacity and resources to make a greater impact in the 860 region. In what ways are you involved in the commu- nity? I am part of the choir at the Asylum Hill Church, a member at the Jewish Community Center in West Hartford, and served on the selec- tion committee for the Granby Greater Together Community Fund. Most recently, I was appointed chair of the United Ways Chief Professional Offi- cers Council in Connecticut. On the job Guiding business principle: Leader- ship growth equates to revenue growth. Best way to keep your competitive edge: Don't let technology outpace you. Best business decision: Selling our building at 30 Laurel St. Worst business decision: None to date, but give me time. Biggest missed opportunity: Larg- er-scale affordable housing develop- ment at 30 Laurel. Eric Harrison President & CEO UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL AND NORTHEASTERN CONNECTICUT Size of organization: $12 million; 45 employees Education: MBA, Minnesota School of Business WINNER CATEGORY | CEO, NONPROFIT J ill Adams is the CEO of Adams & Knight, one of the largest integrated marketing agencies in the region. After launching her career on Capitol Hill in D.C., she took an "adult gap year" and traveled and taught in Europe. Returning to the United States, she earned her master's degree in commu- nications, then gained great experience at leading agen- cies and large corporations before co-founding Adams & Knight. Over the last 25 years, she has led the agency's growth into a national award-winning, multidisci- plinary marketing firm. What have been your biggest professional accomplishments over the past year? anks to the talented team at Adams & Knight, we were able to celebrate our best year ever in 2023. Much of that growth has come from our expanded array of in-demand marketing services. We built out our in-house program- ming team, so we could offer more tech-powered solutions. We created a channel strategy team, so we could provide more holistic solutions that connect the dots among earned media, paid media and social media. We expanded our content marketing/ storytelling skills. And, we've developed inno- vative offerings to help clients build total brand experiences that encom- pass their employees' experience as well as their customers' experience. In what ways are you involved in the community? I truly love my adopted state of Connecticut and the many 'communities' it fosters. I've had the privilege of serving on many nonprofit boards, including as past presi- dent of the Hartford Stage board and as an incoming member of the Connecti- cut Forum board. I'm also an avid supporter of many other nonprofits that make Connecticut such a great place to live, work and play. On the job Guiding business principle: Good is the enemy of great — but perfection is the enemy of accomplishment. Best way to keep your competitive edge: Never stop learning. I will always be a student, not just of our industry but of life. Jill Adams CEO ADAMS & KNIGHT INC. Size of organization: 65 employees Education: Bachelor's Degree in English, Catholic University of America; Master's in Communications, Boston University WINNER CATEGORY | CEO, SMALL COMPANY, FEWER THAN 75 EMPLOYEES Integrated Marketing/Technology Congratulations to our CEO, Jill Adams, who inspires and motivates our team every day. Our marketing sparks results. But Jill sparks us.

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