
August 19, 2024

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V I E W P O I N T S W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 3 A U G U S T 1 9 , 2 0 2 4 From the Editor In memoriam P hotographer Fred Field has been a road warrior for Mainebiz. is year alone, he's made at least three treks to Aroostook County, including his trip April 8 to cover the eclipse for a photo essay that was published in the Daily Report and will be used in the upcoming Mainebiz Fact Book. For this issue, Fred covered the Maine Potato Blossom Festival, which included a parade through downtown Fort Fairfield. As he writes in the introduction, the County demonstrates how "the very old and very new meld seamlessly with the common denominators of farm, family, hard work, tradition and grit." His photo essay, "e County's claim to fame," starts on Page 21. Also for this issue, Fred visited Caribou to document how the Mi'kmaq Nation is combining its vegetable production with efforts to build out an aquaculture operation. e output from each is spread through- out the Wabanaki Nation communities. Fred's photos accompany a story by Senior Writer Laurie Schreiber. See "Farm and fish," which starts on Page 16. Meanwhile, Senior Writer Renee Cordes and her photographer husband, Jim Neuger, spent time in Bangor to see how the Queen City is tackling the housing shortage. Her story, "Building homes in Bangor," starts on Page 12. Peter Van Allen Featured @ For a daily digest of Maine's top business news, sign up for the Mainebiz Daily Report at Get all the latest from Maine's No. 1 business news source, Mainebiz, and the Daily Report and Real Estate Insider newsletters. Here is the top online content from July 30 to Aug. 13: 1. New Portland 'aparthotel' is more 'apart' than 'hotel' 2. Snowboard enthusiast scoops up West Bethel campground 3. Meet the 2024 Women to Watch 4. New England hospital CEOs warn lawmakers of crisis in rural health care system 5. Affordable condo development coming to Sanford, with modular approach from Madison 6. Friday Food Insider: An underground, hideaway restaurant is set to open in Portland 7. Breeze Airways adds another route between PWM and Florida 8. Former mill in Lincoln could be the site of the world's largest 'battery' for storing power 9. Do you support the Invest in Maine's Future proposal, issuing $25 million in state bonds for technological R&D? (poll question) 10. Portland-based Unified Parking Partners acquired by Philadelphia company P H O T O / R E N E E C O R D E S 1 Exploring the 'common denominators of farm, family, hard work, tradition and grit.' Meet Kat. Chair of the Energy and Environmental Practice Group, she's a powerhouse—and leverages her knowledge of permitting, compliance, and regulatory law to get your team generating and delivering energy. We're attorneys. But we're people first. Katherine A. Joyce, Shareholder Tackling housing, aquaculture and potatoes in northern Maine F or the past couple years in our current Mainebiz offices, the highlight of Monday mornings had been an affable Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Malcolm, who accompanied our operations coordinator, Allison Spies, one day a week. Possibly the sweetest dog you could imagine. Alas, Malcolm has passed on. We will miss him.

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