
August 5, 2024

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 5 A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 4 Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Mainebiz® (ISSN# 1530-0749) is published bi-weekly 29 times a year, including special issues published in July, September, October and December by New England Business Media LLC. Periodicals postage paid (USPS# 018-715) at Port land, ME and at additional entry points. Postmaster: Please send changes to: Mainebiz, PO Box 330, Congers, NY 10920-0330. Annual subscriptions are available for $84.00 and include Fact Book and Book of Lists. To subscribe, please visit our website at, email circulation@ or call our circulation department at 845- 267-3008. Mainebiz® accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and in general does not return them to the sender. 3 Viewpoints Editor's letter plus Top 10 28 On the Record Chargely CEO aims to build a community of electric vehicle drivers 30 In Short Newsworthy people and performances 34 The List Maine's largest woman-owned businesses B U S I N E S S M A I N E I N E V E RY I S S U E 6 A Look Back In 2014, moving to Portland still seemed like a novel idea 7 Ask ACE How can I amplify my coaching impact with AI without losing the human connection? 9 Biz Money Maine's gamble on sports betting may be paying off 11 After success in Madison, developers adapt an affordable housing plan for Sanford A roundup of Maine's business news 6 P H O T O / J I M N E U G E R 28 Investing in Maine's Future For more than 125 years, Pierce Atwood has built a reputation in Maine as a firm that attracts and retains superb legal talent, delivering superior client satisfaction and exceptional value. Our attorneys have helped startups grow into vital Maine businesses, advised companies on succession planning and valuation, navigated financing and land use issues for major real estate developments, facilitated strategic acquisitions and mergers, protected ideas and new technologies, and assisted employers in recruiting and retaining skilled employees. How can we help take your business to the next level? Let us know. We're here to help. Pierce Atwood. There's a reason… Rebecca Greenfield REAL ESTATE, COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Christina Berkow BUSINESS LAW, MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS Elizabeth Frazier GOVERNMENT RELATIONS & LOBBYING MERRILL'S WHARF • • COMMERCIAL STREET • PORTLAND, MAINE •- - • PIERCEATWOOD.COM Katie Porter EMPLOYMENT LAW, WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS Sara Murphy CLASS ACTION DEFENSE, COMMERCIAL LITIGATION Emily Cooke BUSINESS LAW, BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Lisa Gilbreath ENERGY, LAND USE, ENVIRONMENTAL Olga Goldberg TAX LAW

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