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V O L . X X X N O. X V I I A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 4 24 sold potatoes as a college summer job. I feel like every job I've ever worked taught me something that helps me in my current position. For example, because farming is a big part of our local economy and tax base, having worked summers in the potato busi- ness helped me understand some of those challenges. In 1997, I became a licensed real estate agent and worked full-time as a broker until hired by the city in 2010. I'm still a licensed real estate broker. MB: Could you describe a project you and your team have worked on? PT: We were awarded a U.S. EPA Brownfields Program Cleanup Grant to abate hazardous materials at a die- sel powerplant parcel the city acquired through the automatic lien foreclo- sure process. We have great partners through the Maine DEP, which even helped us do the background assess- ments needed for the grant applica- tion because it's a daunting process. We have another removal project with the EPA on a steam plant. When we have those cleaned up, it's going to greatly reduce the risk of contamina- tion in our community. MB: What projects are in the pipeline? PT: is spring, Ashley Pringle from Maine & Co. called with questions, since a client had been researching a Caribou property. It was a chance to learn more about how Maine & Co. partners with communities to high- light their unique attributes to incen- tivize business retention, expansion and attraction. e project is an excit- ing opportunity because the business is a great fit to locate into our light- industrial park and occupy an under- utilized commercial building. During ยป C O N T I N U E D F RO M PA G E 2 2 Learn More | As a business leader, you know that the hardest climb isn't Denali or even Everest. It's the life-long leadership journey. But you don't have to go it alone. You can travel with an experienced guide who knows the lay of the land, and an elite team of peers who has your back. At Vistage, we call this living a "Life of Climb," and it's about showing up every day ready to be better and go further in your life. Vistage peer advisory groups represent a diverse community of industry leaders who are humble yet driven. Within each group, leaders have an opportunity to share expertise, challenge one another to think critically, and ultimately arrive at better decisions. Find out how some CEOs go further and higher. Contact Vistage Chair, George Casey 207-869-5491 | | P H O T O / F R E D F I E L D A caribou statue provides the foreground as Penny Thompson works in her office.