
August 5, 2024

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V I E W P O I N T S W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 3 A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 4 From the Editor M ainebiz started the Women to Watch program in 2009 to put the spotlight on women leaders who were showing remarkable leadership and vision. To give credit where credit is due, the pro- gram started with two people who are no longer at Mainebiz: longtime Publisher Donna Brassard, who retired in 2021, and Carol Coultas, who was editor for nearly six years, until 2014. e way they tell the story, it was a simple prem- ise: Flipping through the pages of Mainebiz, they asked, "Where are all the women leaders?" Over the years, Mainebiz has honored more than 75 Women to Watch. From time to time, someone will ask, "Is this still valid? Do we need this award in 2024?" And, as an institution, our answer has always been yes. As long as there is a pay gap between men and women. As long as men are more common in CEO roles. As long as women are a minority on corporate boards. e award is valid. So, this year we again present the Mainebiz Women to Watch. Please join me in congratulating the six women profiled in this issue. Peter Van Allen Featured @ For a daily digest of Maine's top business news, sign up for the Mainebiz Daily Report at Mainebiz chronicles the business news of Maine in its newsletters, including the Daily Report and Real Estate Insider. Here are the top stories from July 16–30: 1. 2 Maine hotels crack Travel & Leisure's list of the top 100 in the world 2. 'Zoomer' housing boom: Pent-up demand sparks Gen Z buying spree in Maine 3. Friday Food Insider: An underground, hideaway restaurant is set to open in Portland 4. Footwear maker Skechers sues LLBean, claiming it illegally copied shoe designs 5. With Walgreens as long-term tenant, Portland building is sold to NY investor for $6.25M 6. Second phase of Brunswick Landing apartment construction launched by Boston investor 7. TD Bank plans another Maine branch closure this summer 8. More affordable housing developments than ever are underway. More are needed 9. Maine Mariners pro hockey team to be acquired by NY financier with NH roots 10. ReVIsion Energy CEO will take year-long sabbatical F I L E P H O T O / C O U R T E S Y, S A R A H S Z WA J K O S, DA M N R A B B I T S T U D I O S 1 Giving credit where credit is due. Thank you for your leadership excellence and dedication to helping our Maine business community thrive. Congratulations Maine's Women Business Leaders! Your dedication and innovation inspire us all. Women to Watch started with a simple premise

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