
August 5, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X V I I A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 4 14 ainebiz: How do you build a relationship with the people and businesses downtown? Kristina Cannon: Right from the get-go, it was important that I build trust. To do that, I did my best to be present and listen, meet with people and show my face regularly; I followed through on what I said I'd do, worked hard and brought new opportuni- ties to Skowhegan. I started small by adding new programs and events that would benefit businesses. In my first year, we began celebrating Small Business Saturday, which resulted in several businesses expe- riencing their best sales days ever. We launched the Skowhegan Craft Brew Fest, which drew hundreds of people to town in 2016 and now attracts more than 1,000 annually from all over the Northeast. In the fall of 2017, I drafted a proposal to bring the state's moose lottery event to the Skowhegan Fairgrounds. We were selected as the 2018 host and had an estimated 6,000 in Skowhegan for the largest moose lottery in the state's history. It might have been this event that really helped build trust and respect for our organiza- tion among our residents and business owners. C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 1 6 ยป The leader in the revitalization of Skowhegan B Y A l e x i s W e l l s In recent years, Skowhegan has seen a huge transformation. Kristina Cannon is leading the town through revitalization. With more than $650 million in investment underway, the momentum in Skowhegan is palpable, but Cannon says there's a lot more work to do. M E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T Kristina Cannon President and CEO Main Street Skowhegan Kristina Cannon joined Main Street Skowhegan in 2015 and has helped with the revitalization of the downtown. P H O T O / J I M N E U G E R Main Street Skowhegan 66 Water St., Skowhegan Founded: 2005 What it does: Main Street Skowhegan is a 501c3 nonprofit working to revitalize Skowhegan and improve the quality of life for area residents. Its work is focused on implementing impactful economic development initiatives, including entrepreneurial and business support programs, placemaking and civic infrastructure development, outdoor recreation as a tool for community transformation, and programming, events and marketing to promote the region. Employees: 10 full-time employees

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