
August 5, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X V I I A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 4 16 MB: Who is your leadership role model? KC: I grew up on my family's dairy farm watching my father manage the business and his employees. He would never ask an employee to do something he wouldn't do, and often he took the dirtiest or the hardest job so others didn't have to. He led by example and expected others to follow — and they did because his quiet leadership style earned the respect of others. He has a work ethic like no other, and though he's retired now and living his best life, that remains true. MB: What is ahead for Skowhegan? KC: During our town-wide strategic planning ini- tiative in 2016, we talked to more than 500 residents and community members to learn more about what they wanted for Skowhegan's future. e contin- ued growth of regional agriculture and our local food hub, as well as opportunities for community transformation through outdoor recreation, were top priorities. As a result, we've focused much of our work on those two sectors. We are working on the following initiatives: 1. Development of a commercial kitchen incu- bator in downtown Skowhegan that will include a shared-use commercial kitchen for food entrepreneurs, service programming for incubation, community programming for residents and visitors. Congratulations to These Women-Owned Maine Businesses The following women-owned Maine businesses have recently received funding from Efficiency Maine: • Eastland Motel • Pine Grove Cottages • East Wind Inn • Ruska Coffee House • Humble Comfort Food & Spirits • The Nonantum Resort Congratulations to the recipients! Through funding from Efficiency Maine, these businesses have installed new heat pumps and/or LED lighting, and are now increasing comfort and reducing energy costs for years to come. For more information, visit If you're interested in upgrading to energy-efficient technology, please visit the link below to learn about our enhanced incentives. » C O N T I N U E D F RO M PA G E 1 4 P H O T O / J I M N E U G E R Kristina Cannon, president and CEO of Main Street Skowhegan, in the organization's community gear library.

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