Worcester Business Journal

July 22, 2024

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wbjournal.com | July 22, 2024 | Worcester Business Journal 9 110 GRILL STARBUCKS MARKET BASKET INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL REQUIRED MIN. LOT AREA 40,000 SF PROVIDED 660,936 SF MIN. LOT FRONTAGE 200 FT MIN. FRONT YARD 40 FT MIN. SIDE YARD 30 FT MIN. REAR YARD MAX. LOT COVERAGE 35% MAXIMUM HEIGHT 45 FT 200+ FT > 30 FT > 30 FT > 35% < 45 FT > 40 FT MAXIMUM STORIES 3 3 MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.40 0.11 30 FT FRONT BUFFER(LANDSCAPE) 40 FT < 40 FT ZONING TABLE TACO BELL WENDY'S ASIA GOURMET WETLANDS MILL BROOK MOBIL MART HOTEL MARKET DRIVE TEMPLETON RD / RTE 2A PARCEL 044-002 ATHOL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 15.22 ACRES PROPOSED 3-STORY HOTEL 100 ROOMS 100 SEAT RESTAURANT/BAR 200 SEAT EVENT SPACE 25,000+ SF RTE 2 / RTE 202 Athol EDIC Seeks Hotel and Conference Facility Developer • Site contains 15 total acres abutting state Route 2 at Exit 77 • Streamlined permitting and site plan review under MGL c. 43D • Full Request for Proposals available at: www.athol-ma.gov • Proposals due by September 16, 2024 Program funded by MassDevelopment and the town of Athol General RFP questions may be sent to Shaun Suhoski at ssuhoski@townofathol.org Worcester County unhoused population demographics Unhoused demographic 2024 Total unhoused population 1,927 Unhoused adults without children 604 Unhoused families 424 Unhoused family members 1,323 - Unhoused family members under 18 718 - Unhoused family members 18 to 24 100 - Unhoused adult family members 505 Source: Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance compilation of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Point in Time Count data care plans, the barriers unhoused people face oen mean they can't always follow through with them. "If you don't have anywhere to sleep, like if you're sleeping on the street, it's so hard to just focus on your survival," said Sharkey. "So to then also say, 'Well, I have to be at this doctor's appointment at 10 a.m. tomorrow and then another one at noon, and I had to take these three medications that the hospital just gave me that I'm not really familiar with,' it's so hard. Especially because if you're out on the street, you're probably just thinking more like, 'How am I going to stay warm or dry?" or "Where's my next meal coming from?'" Recovering in community Conversely, being stuck in the hospital because an unhoused person does not have a step-down facility to go to when looking to exit acute care poses several issues itself. Stuck patients are at higher risk of hospital-acquired infections that only work to worsen their conditions and the mental health effects of being con- fined to a hospital room take their toll. "We have a lot of younger individuals who are in the hospital, say in their 30s, and they're kind of stuck in their room all day. at's not a great quality of life. Whereas, coming somewhere like here, it can meet their medical needs, but then [they] also have more freedom, which you know, is something most people really value especially in their 30s, 40s. It's really hard to be stuck in the hospital," said Sharkey. In fact, the freedom the medical respite program provides is one of its shining qualities for Sharkey. Clients typ- ically have a curfew of 6 p.m., but they're not confined the way they would oen be in a hospital setting. Individuals are able to leave and visit with family and friends, attend complimentary programs such as partial hospitalization mental health programs, and plan their appointments around their own schedules. at freedom means the patients are able to get to know each other and lean on each other, rather than being isolated. For Babu, the impacts of the dynamics formed between the medical respite pro- gram's fellow clients can't be overlooked. "e patients are really supportive of each other, and I think that building that sense of community and peer support has been something I think that's pretty extraordinary to watch," she said. The medical respite program is staffed 24/7 by an EMT from Coastal Medical Transportation Systems, headquartered in Hyannis (EMT Victor Cordero is pictured). W

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