
July 22, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X V I J U LY 2 2 , 2 0 2 4 30 experience, and maybe there's a void in the commu- nity where an area might need a coffee shop," says Tucci. It really comes down to the franchisee and what they are looking to do. We can accommodate a variety of models but it's really the franchisee that is driving that decision." What is in the works Continued growth is percolating for Aroma Joe's. e brand is actively seeking new and existing franchisees, offering multi-unit opportunities for savvy investors. e focus is on continuing development efforts in markets where the brand already has a presence. In addition, Tucci says that the company is looking to expand beyond the eight states it is currently operat- ing in. It is getting franchise inquiries from all over the country, from Minnesota and Ohio to the West. "Brand awareness has grown dramatically over the last couple of years," says Tucci. "If you were to rewind five to six years ago, most of it would have been Maine and New Hampshire. It was local people who were familiar with the brands." He says there are 3,400 franchise concepts in the U.S. and only 15% have more than 100 locations, which puts Aroma Joe's in the top 15%. "at is creating some media and exposure for the brand that has been allowing these inquiries to come in from places we've never had before," Tucci says. "Just last year, we opened our 100th location. We are cur- rently at 115, which is a big deal in the franchise space." A l e x i s W e l l s , M a i n e b i z s t a f f w r i t e r , c a n b e r e a c h e d a t a w e l l s @ m a i n e b i z . b i z "ose are the core components and then the next set of criteria comes into play," he continues. "Is there enough demographic and where we skew younger, we look at that." Since Aroma Joe's demographic is younger, the brand likes to be close to schools and universities. e company also looks at key destination driv- ers: areas with a lot of shopping, businesses and people on their way to work. e area also depends on the access points of the lot and if the location is drive-thru only or if it includes a coffeehouse. Typically, the company works with half-acre lots. "You want to make sure that you are on that morn- ing side of the traffic pattern, so you are getting the majority of that traffic flow, rather than being on the evening side of the road when people aren't getting coffee on their way home from work," says Tucci. While Aroma Joe's is known for its small coffee huts with drive-thrus, Tucci said it is a different interaction than buying your coffee at coffee shops that have impersonal service. Every customer is greeted with a smile, not a robotic voice, and orders are taken by trained baristas who can answer ques- tions and recommend drinks. Aroma Joe's also has a few nontraditional loca- tions that do not have drive-thrus, which allows visitors looking for a pick-me-up to come into the hut and enjoy their coffee without being rushed. e franchisee makes the decision when it comes to picking out a drive-thru or a coffee house. "A franchisee may have a passion for owning and operating a coffeehouse and want that dynamic We're building a better Maine! Maine Community Foundation is working together with donors, nonprofits, businesses, and governments in all 16 counties to address big issues. To get involved and learn more, visit » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E Just last year, we opened our 100th location. We are currently at 115, which is a big deal in the franchise space. — Dave Tucci Aroma Joe's F O C U S R E A L E S TAT E / C O N S T R U C T I O N / E N G I N E E R I N G

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