
Senior Smart 2024

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z C O N T E N T S F RO M T H E E D I TO R Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Mainebiz® (ISSN# 1530-0749) is published bi-weekly 29 times a year, including special issues published in July, September, October and December by New England Business Media LLC. Periodicals postage paid (USPS# 018-715) at Port land, ME and at additional entry points. Postmaster: Please send changes to: Mainebiz, PO Box 330, Congers, NY 10920-0330. Annual subscriptions are available for $84.00 and include Fact Book and Book of Lists. To subscribe, please visit our website at, email or call our circulation department at 845-267-3008. Mainebiz® accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and in general does not return them to the sender. PUBLISHER Andrea Tetzlaff EDITOR Peter Van Allen MANAGING EDITOR / DIGITAL OPERATIONS William Hall SENIOR WRITERS Renee Cordes Laurie Schreiber STAFF WRITER Alexis Wells CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mark Jeanneret Carrie Yardley RESEARCH DIRECTOR Stephanie Meagher RESEARCH ASSISTANT Heide Martin ART DIRECTOR Matt Selva HOSPITALITY Buster, Malcolm, Zoey (emeritus) A division of New England Business Media LLC C E O / GROUP PUBLISHER Peter Stanton P R E S I D E N T Tom Curtin DIGITAL DIRECTOR Jan Holder SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS Ken Hanson Kerry Rasor Betsy VanderPloeg MARKETING/OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Alison Nason OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Allison Spies AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST Leah Allen I f you're caught between raising children and caring for aging par- ents, chances are you fit into what's being broadly categorized as the sandwich generation. It's not even a "generation," per se. It's not a specific age group. It's not people born in certain years. But it comes with a lot of responsibility. And that 's where this edition of Senior Smart might come in handy. ere are stories offering a range of advice on how to tackle the basics of caring for an older parent. e will and estate planning process "e talk" (not to be confused with "the talk" you'd have with your teenagers) Retired-ish — how to make a return to the workforce e aforementioned "sandwich generation" Mainebiz correspondent Sloane Perron talked to financial advisors and other experts about how to facilitate the tough conversations and help you or your parents move forward with plan- ning in the senior years. — Peter Van Allen 'Sandwich generation' encompasses a wide range of ages If you're caught between raising children and caring for aging parents, chances are you fit into what's being broadly categorized as the sandwich generation. 6 16 12 J U LY 8 , 2 0 2 4 5 L E T T E R S 3 From Martin's Point Maine — You may not have to wait until Jan. 1 to change your Medicare plan 4 From AARP Maine — AARP offers resources to employers to enhance support for employee caregivers 4 From Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging — Regional Area Agencies on Aging promoting stronger communities by supporting Maine's older adults F E AT U R E S 6 Where there is a will, there is a way — Don't forget to write out your intentions 10 'The talk' — Bringing up estate planning with your family 12 Estate planning for the 'sandwich generation' — The time to talk is while parents are still healthy 16 Retired-ish — Retired Mainers are reentering the workforce 18 Resource Directory

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