
Senior Smart 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X V § 2 J U LY 8 , 2 0 2 4 4 F or over 51 years, Maine's five Area Agencies on Aging have been serving older adults across the state. We're the focal point for resources, services and information on aging in our respective regions, and together we work to build stronger communi- ties with hundreds of local partners. We're excited about the oppor- tunities we have to come together in supporting our vibrant commu- nities. We know that Maine is stron- ger and our communities are health- ier when older adults are appreci- ated, embraced, and held in high esteem. But we also know that it can be challenging to navigate this process on your own. Every day, we work with older adults and their loved ones to deliver Meals on Wheels, provide family caregiver support, offer expert advice on insurance and drug benefits, help navigate Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, and direct disabled and aging Mainers to appropriate community resources to help them live to their fullest potential. Per- haps most importantly, we're cre- ating a community and providing connections to thousands of older adults and their caregivers statewide. ere's help available. If you're navigating the aging process - on your own or with a loved one - consider your local Area Agency on Aging as your first stop. Visit the websites below to connect with the Agency that serves your region or call our toll free number, 1-877-353-3771. — Megan Walton, Board President, Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging and CEO of Southern Maine Agency on Aging F RO M T H E C O M M U N I T Y E X P E RT S I t's not surprising that three out of four workers in the United States are also caregivers. According to the latest U.S. Workforce Report conducted by AARP and S&P Global, nearly 70% of family caregivers report dif- ficulty balancing career and caregiv- ing responsibilities. Maine is home to 166,000 family caregivers, many of whom are work- ing full- or part-time. Members of the Maine business community could benefit from acknowledging employ- ees who face the challenges of jug- gling their jobs along with caregiv- ing concerns. To recruit and retain talented employees, employers will benefit from addressing the reality that many of their employees carry this extra responsibility. Fortunately, employ- ers have an opportunity to proac- tively address such circumstances in ways that benefit both their employ- ees and their bottom lines. Imple- menting policies and programs that support caregiving employees can enhance workplace loyalty, allow for recruitment and retention of talent, boost productivity and bol- ster financial security. By working together, businesses and employees of all ages can more effectively create a caregiver-friendly environment. Since the recent pan- demic, many employers have been experimenting with innovative models that help to recruit and retain employ- ees. For example, certain employers offer flexible work hours on days when a caregiver needs to take a loved one to a medical appointment. Today, some companies even allow paid leave, par- ticularly for those employees caring for loved ones with high care needs due to dementia or serious illness. AARP Maine strongly supported 2023 leg- islation to establish Paid Family and Medical Leave in Maine which will be of great benefit to working caregiv- ers and their families across the state. A helpful resource for Maine caregivers is the AARP Family Care- giver Resource Guide. Offering con- tact information for state-specific resources, this guide can help Maine caregivers get the type of assistance they need in their own community. e guide can also serve as an oppor- tunity for employers to learn more about available programs that could benefit their employees. Send an email to for a free copy of this guide, available in hard copy or PDF format. AARP offers a myriad of other helpful guides, tools and resources designed espe- cially for employers at work/caregiving-resources. Together, these tools can help you and your team through every stage of caregiving, starting with the ini- tial conversation about the best way forward for them, and for you. We know that by sharing resources in our own communities, and enhanc- ing workplace flexibility, we can make a difference for Maine business lead- ers and for family caregivers across the state. We hope you will reach out to us at AARP Maine if you have any questions about the resources we have for you. — Noël Bonam AARP Maine State Director AARP offers resources to employers to enhance support for employee caregivers Regional Area Agencies on Aging promoting stronger communities by supporting Maine's older adults Aroostook Agency on Aging Aroostook County Eastern Area Agency on Aging Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Washington Counties SeniorsPlus Androscoggin, Franklin, and Oxford Counties Southern Maine Agency on Aging York and Cumberland Counties Spectrum Generations Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Somerset, and Waldo Counties

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