
June 24, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X I V J U N E 2 4 , 2 0 2 4 12 H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N / P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T F O C U S limited means to start college if they couldn't finish." Every year since, they have increased the number of scholarships awarded and dollar amount. e foundation focuses solely on Maine, working with 20 partners from two-year community colleges to private institutions including Colby, Bates and Bowdoin, where tuition is $60,000-plus. e effort is not just luring high school grads to pursue higher education in their home state but also to complete a degree. at's reflected in an 80% average graduation rate for scholars who began college between 2010 and 2017, according to Bourgoin. at's well above the 61% average statewide completion rate documented by Educate Maine in its latest indicators report. "Maine students are entering college at lower rates than before the pandemic," says Jason Judd, Educate Maine's executive director. "Many students are entering the workforce directly after high school due to the availability of jobs locally and the ability to make additional income." Citing a prediction that 72% of jobs in the U.S. in 2030 will require edu- cation or training beyond high school, Judd commends the Worthington Foundation for helping students enroll, persist and graduate from postsecond- ary programs. He's also a fan of the Portland-based Mitchell Foundation, which offers similar student supports beyond financial. "By completing their degree program, students are on a path to make significantly higher lifetime earnings," he says. Making a difference Worthington scholarships are awarded based on merit and financial need to high school graduates who enroll in one of the program's partner colleges or universities. For students attending a four-year college or university, scholarships can be up to $20,000, or $2,500 per semester. For community college, scholarships are $1,500 per semester for four semesters, assuming two years to get an associate degree; scholars that continue at a four- year college are then eligible for four more semesters at the $2,500 rate. To remain eligible for funding dur- ing their studies, scholars are required to earn a grade point average of 2.0 or better and 12 credits per semester. As of this year, the foundation is offering scholarships to graduates of all 134 pub- lic high schools in Maine. "Our purpose in giving financial help is so that students can avoid work- ing multiple jobs to support themselves through college and are able to focus on learning and completing college in a as timely manner," Bourgoin says. "Some do have to work multiple jobs, but the financial help may keep them from hav- ing to drop out." Scholarships are just as important for those studying at community colleges, where tuition is free for certain classes of high school graduates, who often struggle to pay room and board and other expenses, according to Mercedes Pour, of the Maine Community College System. She says there will be 257 Worthington scholars at six of the seven community colleges this coming year, up from 137 last year. "So much of life gets in the way for our students," she says. "For some, getting a flat tire means not only not going to class, but they don't have the money to fix that tire. It's great to see the Worthington Foundation being so generous." But the foundation is not just focused on finances, it also has con- tacts at each campus to keep tabs on students' progress and provide support from tutoring to transportation. Even when students are failing, "we don't just abandon them," Bourgoin says. "We help them get back on track." e fund is endowed through 2050. Within the next 10 years. the board will decide whether to discontinue the fund after that, or for others to raise funds to keep the effort going. Longer term, the hope is that the Worthington business model will be replicated in other states. » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 1 4 » A/Z Corpora on is an industry-leading construc on services provider with an extensive por olio. As part of the Cianbro family of companies since 2019, we are pleased to announce that A/Z and Cianbro's ver cal construc on management group have combined forces and integrated into one focused team: A/Z Corpora on – A Cianbro Company. Together, we are partnering with our clients to provide best-in-class: Design & Engineering Preconstruc on Design-Build & EPCM CM/General Contrac ng Self-Perform Trades Energy Management Building More Together To learn more, visit ACADEMIC ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY & MANUFACTURING CORPORATE & NON-PROFIT DISTRIBUTED GENERATION HEALTHCARE HOSPITALITY LIFE SCIENCES MISSION CRITICAL UTILITIES For me it made the difference between going to the college that was cheapest and being able to choose Thomas [College], which felt like home. — Shawn Von Oesen Worthington scholar

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