Worcester Business Journal

June 10, 2024

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16 Worcester Business Journal | June 10, 2024 | wbjournal.com F O C U S A R C H I T E C T U R E , E N G I N E E R I N G , & C O N S T R U C T I O N is a member of the company's advisory committee. "She's extremely loyal to her employ- ees, and she expects that same loyalty back in return; and they do," said Barbo. Colosi's intelligence and diligence have helped her get to where she is now, steering the helm of a multi-million dollar enterprise, said Barbo. "She's very, very smart, very, very thorough, and very detail-oriented. She's extremely thorough and demands the highest quality of work of all aspects of the business, not only the construc- tion and the engineering end but the accounting end. She demands perfec- tion. at's one reason, if not one of the major reasons, that company's been so successful for all these years," said Barbo. ose high standards have helped Colosi achieve some of the proudest moments of her career. at includes the company's $37-mil- lion grade-separated interchange, which replaced the Sagamore Bridge rotary. e project was completed in 2007 when former Gov. Mitt Romney spoke at the interchange's celebratory ground- breaking. Another career highlight was the company's $64.5-million Methuen rotary reconstruction project completed in 2017. "It's pretty exciting to see a project on a set of plans, on a piece of paper or in today's world on a computer screen, and actually construct it, actually build it, and be able to say, 'We built this,'" said Colosi. Passing the torch Colosi pays attention to not only the urgent, but the important, said Nitsch. She started coordinating her succession plan five years before she intended on retiring. Because Colosi's two daughters didn't want to go into the business, she found she needed to look beyond her blood- line to find those who would continue to lead E.T.& L. when she stepped down. Aer conversations with staff, leadership, and a consultant, Colosi named employees Kerry Maynard as president and Marco Roffo as chief op- erations officer; the two assumed their newfound roles in May. Now heeding the title of president emeritus, Colosi is looking forward to retiring with the confidence she has in her successors who, though not sharing the family's name that has run E.T.& L. since the 1950s, are well-equipped to continue the cachet of her company, she said. "A legacy of E.T.& L. to continue and be successful and continue on our fine reputation," Colosi said. "at would be so satisfying, and I'm quite sure that the crew that's here, the team that's here, is going to do just that." Continued from previous page WBJ Ensure your team has ALL ACCESS to WBJ. We offer discounted group subscriptions starting at 5 users. Reach out to us at circulation@wbjournal.com for a quote. Your Community is Our Community We're fully invested in this region - as professionals, volunteers and neighbors. W E.T.& L. now employs five female civil engineers at its Stow office. PHOTO | EDD COTE

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