
June 10, 2024

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V O L . X X X N O. X I I I J U N E 1 0 , 2 0 2 4 4 A division of New England Business Media LLC C E O / GROUP PUBLISHER Peter Stanton P R E S I D E N T Tom Curtin DIGITAL DIRECTOR Jan Holder PUBLISHER Andrea Tetzlaff EDITOR Peter Van Allen MANAGING EDITOR / DIGITAL OPERATIONS William Hall SENIOR WRITERS Renee Cordes Laurie Schreiber STAFF WRITER Alexis Wells CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mark Jeanneret Carrie Yardley RESEARCH DIRECTOR Stephanie Meagher RESEARCH ASSISTANT Heide Martin ART DIRECTOR Matt Selva HOSPITALITY Buster, Malcolm HOSPITALITY EMERITUS Zoey SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS Ken Hanson Kerry Rasor Betsy VanderPloeg MARKETING/OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Alison Nason OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Allison Spies AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST Leah Allen C O N T E N T S Norway makes headway In Oxford County, a town with 'good bones' sees a surge of revitalization 14 18 Lewiston restaurants are trying to make a comeback How dining establishments have worked to get customers back in after the October shootings L E W I S T O N / A U B U R N / W E S T E R N M A I N E F O C U S R E G I O N A L T H U M B N A I L O N PA G E 1 3 » Invite your guests to an event, not a function hall B O O K I N G N O W T H R O U G H E N D O F 2 0 2 5 Thompson's Point — Portland, Maine W E B U I L D R E L A T I O N S H I P S 1&250,(5#30&216758&7,21&20 :::30&216758&7,21&20 Historic photos of the Norway Opera House and prices at the concessions stand from years ago. P H O T O / F R E D F I E L D General Manager and Chef Michael Gosselin at Bon Vivant, which had only been open two months at the time of the Lewiston shootings. 18 14 P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY

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