Hartford Business Journal


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CONNECTICUT'S BUSINESS NEWS WWW.HARTFORDBUSINESS.COM VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 11 $3.00 Politics & Policy Business groups pan 2024 legislative session. Page 6 High Hopes CT Wind Collaborative looks to build regional offshore wind corridor. Page 14 Deal Watch Historic New Haven mill site approved for major apartment redevelopment goes up for sale. Page 9 Corner Office New Girl Scouts of CT CEO Spearman brings corporate leadership experience, as nonprofit caters to a new generation. Page 8 Problem Solver With new CEO, $26.5M capital raise, New Haven startup in race for quantum computing supremacy. Page 18 HBJ PHOTO | STEVE LASCHEVER MAY 27, 2024 Susan Jackson was recently named managing partner of KPMG's Hartford office. Rising Up Greater Hartford's largest accounting firms are increasingly being led by women. Page 16 Rising Up Greater Hartford's largest accounting firms are increasingly being led by women. Page 16

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