Mainebiz Special Editions

Work for ME 2024

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S P R I N G 2 0 2 4 / W O R K F O R M E S p o n s o r e d P r o f i l e 33 C O M M U N I T Y E N G A G E M E N T BIW values corporate citizenship and partners with a number of local organizations including area food programs. The shipyard also is a founding member of the United Way of Midcoast Maine and employees annually raise several hundred thousand dollars to support area programs. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y BIW is actively engaged in efforts to protect the Kennebec River, reduce the company's carbon footprint and each year recycles thousands of pounds of scrap wood and steel. We also have one of the most successful ride-sharing programs in the state, with dozens of van and car pools. BIW is actively engaged with the GO MAINE ride-sharing service and subsidizes a commuter bus between Lewiston-Auburn and the shipyard. My father was in the Navy and I wanted to serve the military. I'm not active duty, but I'm doing my part helping build these ships. I have a lot of pride in it. I install insulation and pipe covering. I set myself goals and work toward that daily goal. Meaghan Straka, 26 SCHOOL: University of Rhode Island, Rogers High School, Newport (R.I.) YEARS AT COMPANY: 1 POSITION: Insulator M E A G H A N S T R A K A

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