Lamoureux Pagano Associates | Architects 5
"cybernetics," a transdisciplinary
approach for exploring the structures,
constraints and possibilities
of systems. This science of
communications and automatic
control systems in machines and
living things represented the firm's
purpose and mission.
Growing a Portfolio
Given the national economic
situation in those early days, work
was sometimes scarce. Focused
on regional work – a practice the
firm embraces today – he accepted
commissions of any size in almost
every industry to keep his fledgling
company afloat. In time, Lamoureux's
reputation, quality design and
willingness to collaborate with the
client became widely known, leading
to bigger and better commissions.
Celebrating 50 Years
Consumers Bank
Dick Lamoureux held a deep sense
of responsibility to community
and encouraged staff to engage
in philanthropic efforts. Early in
his career, Lamoureux became
actively involved with the American
Institute of Architects (AIA). A
strong supporter of the industry,
he sought to promote it, serving
as president for several years and
housing the Central Massachusetts
Chapter in the Worcester office.
The firm's first office manager
Dorothy Fassett, pictured above,
also served as the Executive
Secretary for Central MA AIA.