
Book of Lists 2024

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V O L . X X I X N O. X X I X 26 BO O K O F L I S T S 2 0 24 C O R P O R AT E | P U B L I C Non-Maine public companies doing business here Ranked by revenue 1 1 Selected by number of Maine employees and ranked by revenue for the year ended Dec. 31, 2022, unless otherwise noted 2 For fiscal year ending Jan. 31, 2023 3 For fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2023 4 Revenue, net income and earnings per share in Swiss Francs (CHF) 5 For fiscal year ending April 30, 2023; market capitalization in Canadian dollars (CAD) 6 Acquired Alere Scarborough Inc. in 2016 7 For fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 2022; revenue, net income and earnings per share in Canadian dollars (CAD) 8 AVANGRID is a unit of Iberdrola S.A. This list was compiled by Stephanie R. Meagher and previously unpublished in Mainebiz. S O U R C E : 10-K reports, Wall Street Journal market data and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information

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