Mainebiz Giving Guide

Giving Guide 2023

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V O L . X X I X N O. X X I I 4 G I V I N G G U I D E 2 0 2 3 – 2 0 24 S U P P O R T I N G M A I N E N O N P R O F I T S A belief in a better quality of life for Mainers is year marks the 40 th anniversary of the Maine Community Foundation (MaineCF). In 1983, when the founding president of the College of the Atlantic, Ed Kaelber, retired and received a $10 startup gift from friend and philanthropist Bob Blum, they set out the vision for what the Maine Community Foundation could become. What was born from this initial contribution and a belief in a better quality of life for Mainers has, through decades of generosity from donors, meticulous investment and strategic programmatic development, grown to become the 21 st century MaineCF, with more than $600 million in grants, a presence in all 16 counties, hundreds of scholarships and a portfolio of programs, partnerships and services that all combine to meet our mission of building a better Maine. is has led to notable results, including: f A 12-percentage point increase in the workforce certification rate, to 55% — nearly to the statewide goal of 60% — due to strategic grants, scholarships for adult learning and active participation in a coalition of statewide and national partners. f e creation of new, high-quality child care businesses through Coastal Enter- prises Inc.'s Child Care Business Lab. Concurrently, the Starting Strong part- nership brought together stakeholders around early childhood education. ese efforts were further bolstered by increased attention to advocacy, awareness and education through coalitions such as Right from the Start and the Early Child- hood Funders Group. f More than $400,000 invested and leveraged for racial equity in 2023 alone to sup- port nonprofits led by and serving people of color. f Greater attention to housing, food and transportation needs of older Mainers through a partnership with the University of Maine Center on Aging, support- ing Lifelong Communities. f Community transportation programs. Rural arts. Equitable access to the Maine outdoors. And more. But we aren't stopping there. A bright new future is ahead of us. anks to the vision of our founders and sound management over the years, MaineCF is built for the big stuff. We bring our unique combination of local relationships, community knowledge, donors that love Maine and a commitment to work across sectors to fulfill our mission. At MaineCF, we're focused on bringing all our resources to tackle big chal- lenges facing the state. We've been engaging in conversations with donors, non-profits, businesses, government and residents, to determine the areas of greatest need and opportunity and to identify MaineCF can be most helpful. We're forging new partnerships and collaborations and building on old ones. We're committed to doing what it takes to ensure that Maine is a vibrant and equitable place where people and communities thrive. We`re excited to announce that our board just decided at its board meeting in September that we will step first in to efforts to address climate change in Maine – whether it's culverts, kelp or clean energy – so stay tuned! We're bullish about Maine's future. Our new logo, which evokes the brightness and beauty of the Maine landscape, reflects our optimism. MaineCF reaches all cor- ners of Maine and the artwork in the logo reflects all of us, from the highlands to the coast, from north to south. We embrace all of Maine. We can't build a better Maine alone. We stand ready to partner with Maine's busi- nesses, non-profits, government and community leaders who seek to accomplish great things for our great state. We look forward to working alongside you. Deborah Ellwood President and CEO Maine Community Foundation Building a better future For over 153 years, Kennebec Savings Bank has proudly served the people of Maine working to build a better future. We've actively partici- pated in the growth of neighborhoods. We've celebrated the successes of our local business communities. We've accompanied individu- als and families along their personal financial journeys. And we've worked diligently to help earn the trust of each customer who walks through our doors. Our team strives to deliver excellence in service, teamwork, and commit- ment to the community. at's why you'll find more than top-quality banking expertise, personal customer service, and outstanding financial offerings at Ken- nebec Savings Bank; you'll find a group of people who genuinely care about its customers and communities. We take pride in finding meaningful ways to support the neighborhoods in which we work and raise our families. Giving back has been part of the mis- sion and philosophy of Kennebec Savings Bank since our founding in 1870. is philanthropic spirit will not slow down anytime soon. As a community bank, Kennebec Savings Bank is a mutual organization. at means we do not have individual stockholders. Instead, we give the money that would go to stockholders back to over 350 organizations in Maine; we call this program Community Dividends. is year, the program will donate nearly $1.5 million across the communities served by the Bank. Helping others is a cornerstone of the Bank's culture, and our team members showcase this generosity daily. Each year, our employees volunteer thousands of hours of their own time. Whether serving on a nonprofit board, running in a benefit 5k, volunteering at the local food bank, participating in a cancer walk, or giving a portion of their paycheck to organizations that make a difference, the Bank's employ- ees take an active role in making our communities a great place to live, work, and play. is volunteerism is not required; however, our team members continuously seek out ways to become involved. In short, we give of our time and our money. Kennebec Savings Bank constantly looks for ways to maximize our impact. We recognize that our financial gifts can go even further if we coordinate efforts. at's why we are once again proud to support the United Way of Kennebec Valley's annual fundraising campaign. Much like bricks that are stacked atop one another, row after row, to construct a tall building: every dollar donated to the United Way makes a bigger and bigger impact. at's why the theme of our 2023 United Way employee campaign is Building a Better Future. is autumn, we're grateful for the opportunity to support the United Way once again. To the United Ways of Maine and all the exceptional nonprofit organizations working tirelessly to build upon successes and make Maine a better place: thank you. Andrew Silsby President and CEO Kennebec Savings Bank FROM THE GIVING GUIDE SPONSOR FROM THE GIVING GUIDE SPONSOR We take pride in finding meaningful ways to support the neighborhoods in which we work and raise our families. Giving back has been part of the mission and philosophy of Kennebec Savings Bank since our founding in 1870.

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