Mainebiz Special Editions

Senior Smart 2023

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Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Mainebiz® (ISSN# 1530-0749) is published bi-weekly 29 times a year, including special issues published in July, September, October and December by New England Business Media LLC. Periodicals postage paid (USPS# 018-715) at Port land, ME and at additional entry points. Postmaster: Please send changes to: Mainebiz, PO Box 330, Congers, NY 10920-0330. Annual subscriptions are available for $84.00 and include Fact Book and Book of Lists. To subscribe, please visit our website at, email or call our circulation department at 845-267-3008. Mainebiz® accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and in general does not return them to the sender. C O N T E N T S W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 5 SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 I t's well known that Maine's has the nation's oldest median age, at 44.7 years old. Maine got a tad younger with the influx of people during the pan- demic, but we still have a large seg- ment of the population that is mak- ing the transition to assisted living. e generation that's caring for seniors is typically working parents who may also have young children. is publication from Mainebiz is here to help with the process of dealing with aging loved ones. In this issue, you'll find stories about: • How to have tough conversa- tions with a loved one about the next step • How to approach issues around dementia • How to help with self-care issues • How to help a loved one pre- pare financially for a move to assisted living. ese conversations are never easy, but there are resources out there to help, starting with these pages. Peter Van Allen F RO M T H E E D I TO R Finding ways to help aging loved ones SeniorSmart L E T T E R S 2 From AARP Maine 2 From Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging 3 From Golden Pond Wealth Management 3 From Martin's Point 5 From the Editor: FInding ways to help aging loved ones 6 A common problem with vexing challenges: Understanding dementia takes patience, self-care, communication 8 An exhausting task: Self-care is vital when caring for others 10 Tips for having the tough conversation: It's important to connect on sensitive issues before it's too late 12 Moving to Maine for retirement: A few pointers 13 Directory 20 Glossary of Terms 22 Caregiver-Friendly Businesses Enhance Today's Marketplace F E AT U R E S The generation that's caring for seniors is typically working parents who may also have young children. A division of New England Business Media LLC C E O / GROUP PUBLISHER Peter Stanton P R E S I D E N T Tom Curtin DIGITAL DIRECTOR Jan Holder PUBLISHER Andrea Tetzlaff EDITOR Peter Van Allen MANAGING EDITOR / DIGITAL OPERATIONS William Hall SENIOR WRITERS Renee Cordes Laurie Schreiber STAFF WRITER Alexis Wells CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mark Jeanneret Carrie Yardley RESEARCH DIRECTOR Stephanie Meagher RESEARCH ASSISTANT Heide Martin ART DIRECTOR Matt Selva HOSPITALITY Buster, Malcolm HOSPITALITY EMERITUS Zoey SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS Ken Hanson Kerry Rasor Betsy VanderPloeg MARKETING/OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Alison Nason OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Allison Spies AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST Leah Allen

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