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E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T 36 E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T S P E C I A L A D V E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N W hether your plans are to visit, build a business or stay for a lifetime, Auburn has something for everyone. With an abundance of recreational activities, parks and trails, cultural opportunities, world-class events and facili- ties, and a thriving, business-friendly atmosphere, it's crystal clear that in Auburn, your next opportunity is closer than you think! Auburn boasts a broad assortment of restaurants, shopping opportunities and public and private schools, as well as stable neigh- borhoods and proud citizens who truly care about their community. City leadership and staff are deeply committed to improving quality of life for residents, encouraging development and supporting strong partnerships between business, industry, government and community. Quality of life Auburn's 2019 strategic plan and updated comprehensive plan place high priority and clear focus on issues like housing, work- force development, walkability, recreation and quality of life. Nearly 70 square miles in size and centrally located in the heart of Maine, Auburn has much to offer. Nestled on the banks of the beautiful Androscoggin River, Auburn is close to the mountains, not far from the ocean, and is home to Lake Auburn and Taylor Pond. It is less than an hour away from three-quarters of Maine's population, and Auburn is the only city in Maine that is home to a ski resort. Auburn is a true recreation destination. In addition to ski- ing at Lost Valley and the only dual-sheet ice arena in Maine, Auburn has an indoor turf facility, ample, well-maintained playing fields, the recently renovated Troy Barnies basketball court, and a brand-new futsal court in the heart of the city. Auburn leaders are focused on building a safe, strong and healthy community for kids and families, investing in an extraordinary new state-of-the- art high school, improving city playgrounds to include ADA accessibility, and making plans for a 12,000 square-foot "PAL Community Center" that will serve the community's most vulnerable children and provide access to after school mentor- ing and athletics. Innovative approaches and planned growth Auburn is renowned for its commitment to economic devel- opment and has been making remarkable strides in providing business incentives to companies. e city's approach extends beyond traditional methods such as Tax Increment Financing Districts with Credit Enhancement. In a demonstration of the city's forward-thinking approach, Auburn has utilized funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to establish a revolving loan pool – a valuable resource, supporting both existing busi- nesses and new ventures, spanning from local corner stores to large-scale manufacturing enterprises. Auburn has also imple- mented several other innovative programs aimed at bolstering the business landscape, further solidifying its reputation as a hub for entrepreneurship and economic growth. Auburn has taken an innovative approach to the use of ARPA, CBDG and other state and federal funds to accomplish goals set forth in the city's 2019 Strategic Plan, including "ird Space" and Commercial Agriculture incentive programs, Neighborhood Corner Store grants, micro enterprise loans and more. Transformative zoning reform Auburn is seeing new highs in construction permits and commer- cial and residential development is booming. In 2022, Discourse Magazine named Auburn as the "YIMBYest City in America," thanks to the city's willingness to say "Yes in My Backyard" to new development. "Instead of latching on to one kind of housing, Auburn has opened up its neighborhoods to innovation," said economist Salim Furth from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Commercial and residential development is sizzling in Auburn, with record-setting permitted construction value and invest- ment. In 2022, there was well over $74 million in estimated cost of construction. And in 2023, Auburn announced that there will be no increase to the mill rate for Auburn property taxpayers, a meaningful accomplishment that is a direct result of good growth combined with the hard work of staff and the city council, both of whom are deeply committed to controlling costs. With the implementation of zoning reforms that are among the most ambitious in the country, including modernized agri- culture and resource protection zoning, Auburn has positioned itself for thoughtful growth and a bright future. Opportunity is closer than you think. e City of Auburn is a thriving community, built upon a rich history of hard work, innovation, unity and pride. A diverse small city with big ideas, Auburn is racing toward the future with smart, deliberate and record-breaking growth, a commitment to sustain- ability, flourishing public-private partnerships, and transformative revitalization. In Auburn, your next home, job, event, vacation, business or adventure is closer than you think! Visit AuburnMaine.Gov or GoAuburn.ME to learn more about Auburn and connect with our team. l Above: Auburn skyline Below: Main Street, downtown Auburn P H O T O C O U R T E S Y O F F A L C O F O C U S D R O N I N G P H O T O C O U R T E S Y O F C I T Y O F A U B U R N C O M M U N I C A T I O N S D E P A R T M E N T Small city. Big ideas. Auburn City of Auburn 60 Court St., Auburn, ME 04210 Jay Brenchick, Director, Economic Development (207) 333-6601 ext. 1218 jbrenchick@AuburnMaine.Gov AuburnMaine.Gov / GoAuburn.ME