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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 23 Fact Book / Doing Business in Maine Q UA L I T Y O F L I F E e new hires bring years of experience in top positions, and a fresh outlook at the various colleges. Bowdoin inducts its 16th president Safa Zaki, a psychology professor and dean of faculty at Williams College in Williamstown, Mass., became the first woman to lead Bowdoin College, effective July 1. Zaki succeeded Clayton Rose, who stepped down last April following an eight-year tenure marked by an increase in campus building projects, fundraising and student applications. "In Safa Zaki, Bowdoin has found a distinguished scholar and leader with a global perspective who believes deeply in the transformative power of a liberal arts education," Scott Perper, a Bowdoin alumnus and member of the search com- mittee, said at the time Zaki was hired. Before joining Brunswick-based Bowdoin, Zaki was the dean of the fac- ulty and the John B. McCoy and John T. McCoy Professor of Psychology at Williams College. Zaki, a native of Egypt, joined the Williams faculty in 2002 as an assistant professor of psychology after serving as a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University. In 2005, she was promoted to associate professor and by 2010 was a full professor. She twice chaired the Williams program in cognitive science and was named Class of 1924 Professor of Psychology in 2021. She was named to the John B. McCoy and John T. McCoy Professorship in 2022. During her time at Williams, she oversaw departments and programs, including their budgets and personnel, graduate programs; athletics; the grants office; the Rice Center for Teaching; the Center for Global Languages, Literatures & Cultures; the Oakley Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences; the Center for Environmental Studies; the Williams-Exeter Programme at Oxford University; and the Williams-Mystic Program. Safa began her duties on July 1, and will be installed officially at her inau- guration on Saturday, Oct. 14. Bates welcomes Minnesota Law dean At Bates College, Clayton Spencer, who retired, was replaced by Garry W. Jenkins, who had been dean of the University of Minnesota Law School. He is the Lewiston-based college's ninth president since its 1855 founding and its first Black leader. "We are at a pivotal moment for American society and higher educa- tion," Jenkins said at the time he was hired. "e world urgently needs leaders who have been challenged, developed, and nurtured by Bates and a liberal arts education. I am excited about what our community will accomplish together in the years ahead." During Jenkins' tenure as dean, the University of Minnesota Law School's endowment nearly doubled. In 2021, he conducted a record-setting fund- raising campaign at the University of Minnesota Law School that raised $106 million, which surpassed the goal of $80 million. e funds raised went towards scholarships, professorships and faculty research, student support and fellow- ships, clinical programs and experien- tial learning, leadership programming, and the annual fund. Jenkins has continued to teach while serving as dean of the law school. In the fall of 2020, he co-taught a course titled "George Floyd's Minneapolis: Past, Present, and Moving Forward," which examined the historical, socio-political, and legal contexts and implications of the murder of George Floyd — which happened less than four miles from the University of Minnesota Law School. Jenkins made nearly two dozen pre- sentations to national professional orga- nizations and other groups over the last five years, addressing topics that included leadership development for lawyers, anti- racism and racial justice in the law school curriculum and hate speech and the First Amendment on college campuses. C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E » Honesty, integrity and mutual respect are the values that guide us. Stephen Dumont, VP CONTACT (207) 490-5900 CO N S T RU C T I O N M A N A G EM EN T s D E S I G N / B U I L D s G EN ER A L CO N T R A C T I N G South Portland, ME We are at a pivotal moment for American society and higher education. The world urgently needs leaders who have been challenged, developed, and nurtured by Bates and a liberal arts education. — Garry W. Jenkins Bates College P H O T O / B R A D L E Y WA K O F F Safa Zaki, a psychology professor and dean of faculty at Williams College in Williamstown, Mass., became the first woman to lead Bowdoin College.