
July 10, 2023

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 17 J U LY 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 F O C U S A U G U S TA / WAT E R V I L L E / C E N T R A L M A I N E e 12-week program guides startups through a tar- geted curriculum and helps founders execute individual project plans. Each company is matched with a curated board of local and national advisors from various indus- tries. Seminar topics range from capital planning to intellectual property evaluation. Sessions are in-person and virtual. e program is capped by a pitch competi- tion with a $25,000 grand prize. Operating under Central Maine Growth Council and supported by several organizations, academic insti- tutions and investment firms, the mission is to grow mid-Maine's digital economy by supporting entrepre- neurs building innovation-based companies. Industries represented include health care, manu- facturing and clean energy technologies. Participants are chosen based on founder experience, stage of devel- opment, scalability and potential for funded research and development projects. Innovation hub e program was sparked by Central Maine Growth Council Director of Planning, Innovation and Economic Development Garvan Donegan, who sought to establish a regional hub that would foster innovation, stimulate economic growth and attract talent. "Despite Waterville's advantageous geographic location, world-class academic institutions, vibrant downtown and thriving small business community, a missing link was an organized continuum of startup and entrepreneurial support and attraction," says Ruhlin. "Dirigo Labs fills this key gap by functioning as a startup hub and accelerator, driving entrepreneur- ship, and economic transformation in the downtown area and its surroundings." Launching the accelerator was a lot like launch- ing the startups its serves. Before kicking off the first cohort in March 2022, organizers spent months considering value proposition, differentiators that would enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem without Ware-Butler Industrial will supply prod- ucts to earthwork and concrete jobs, roads/bridges/construction jobs, grow businesses, storage units, livestock farms, health centers and commercial buildings of all types, infrastructure projects such as sand-salt sheds and municipal buildings, etc. WAREBUTLER.COM CONTACT US for your non-residential and commercial construction needs across Maine. Put our statewide buying power and experienced sales team to work for you! Fabric / Pipe / Culverts / Styrofoam insulation / Construction lumber Sheet goods / Millwork / Metal roofing and siding products PRODUCTS OFFERED: CUSTOM WORK AVAILABLE C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E » Dirigo made me realize what an amazing scale- up I have. — Lisa Jones Black Travel Maine P H O T O / C O U R T E S Y O F B L A C K T R AV E L M A I N E Lisa Jones, founder of Black Travel Maine, says Dirigo Labs connections helped her create funding and marketing plans and find an intern, video team, attorney and financing.

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