
Health Care Resource Guide 2022

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24-hour Anesthesia Services • Epidurals VBACS (vaginal birth after c-section) Post-Partum Massage (extra cost applies) Lactation Services • Assist with getting home pumps through insurance • Provide outpatient services Amenities • Celebration Cake and Blanket • Free Television and Phone Services • Free Wireless Internet Access • Nourishment Station • Interpreter Services LaChance Maternity Center at Heywood Hospital Welcome to the LaChance Maternity Center at Heywood Hospital. Our priority is to provide a positive, compassionate, and safe birth experience for each and every family. Our team is here to support you by helping you prepare, guiding you through delivery, and supporting you and your baby during their first precious days. A T H E Y W O O D H O S P I T A L Contact Us: LaChance Maternity Center 978-630-6228 24-Hour RN Line 978-630-6216

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